HORNER, Isaline Blew. Walthamstow, Essex 30.3.1896 — London 25.4.1981. British Bauddha and Buddhologist. Born in a place now belonging to London, educated in Surrey. In 1914-17 studies at Cambridge (Newnham College). From 1918 Assistant Librarian at Newnham College. In 1921 visited Ceylon for the first time, then two years at his sister’s home in Mysore, where he learnt Tamil. In 1922 visited Burma and in 1923 returned via Kenya to England. In 1923-36 Librarian of Newnham. Started now Pāli studies under K. Saunders and C. A. F. Rhys Davids. In 1929 visited India and Ceylon, again in 1938. In 1931 obtained Chalmers’ Pāli books. M.A. 1934 Cambridge. In 1936 moved to Manchester, from 1943 lived in London. In 1939-49 in the governing body of Newnham College. In 1942-59 Honorary Secretary of P.T.S., from 1959 until her death its President. In 1948 visited Ceylon, India and Burma, in 1950 and 1963 again Ceylon. Often visited Greece, too. Honorary D.Litt. 1964 Peradeniya. Died in London after one year’s illness. Unmarried, partner from 1926 Eliz Marina Butler (1885–1959), a scholar of German. A great cat friend.
Publications: Women under Primitive Buddhism. The position of laywomen and almswomen in early Buddhist times. 415 p. L. 1930.
– The Early Buddhist Theory of Man Perfected. 328 p. L. 1934.
– Edited: Papañcasūdanī. 3-5. L. 1933-37-38; Buddhadatta: Madhuratthavilāsini nāma Buddhavaṁsaṭṭhakathā. 325 p. L. 1946 (P.T.S. text series 55).
– With A. K. Coomaraswamy: The Living Thoughts of Gotama the Buddha. 227 p. L. 1948.
– Edited with D. Kosambi: Buddhaghosa: Papañcasūdanī. Majjhimanikāyaṭṭhakathā. 1-5. Repr. P.T.S. Text Ser. 81-85. L. 1976-79.
– Translated: Vinayapitaka. The Book of Discipline. 1-6. S.B.B. 10-11, 13-14, 20, 25. L. 1938-66; Majjhima Nikāya. The Collection of the Middle Length Sayings. 1-3. L. 1954-59 (P.T.S. Transl. series 29-31); Milindapanha. Milinda’s Questions. 1-2. 371+334 p. S.B.B. 22-23. L. 1963-64; Early Buddhist Poetry, an Anthology. 84 p. Colombo 1963; The Chronicle of the Buddhas (Buddhavamsa) and The Basket of Conduct (Cariyāpiṭaka). 56+108, 16+52 p. S.B.B. 31 (Minor Anthologies 3). L. 1975; Buddhadatta: Madhuratthavilāsini. The Clarifier of the Sweet Meaning. Commentary on the Chronicle of the Buddhas (Buddhavamsa). 453 p. S.B.B. 33. L. 1978.
– Edited & transl.: Ten Jātaka Stories: A Pāli Reader. 23+93 p. L. 1957.
– Translated with P. S. Jaini: Paññāsa-Jātaka. Apocryphal birth-stories. 316 p. S.B.B. 38. L. 1986 (vol. 2, 1986, by P. S. Jaini alone).
– Sutta Nipāta. The Group of Discourses. Transl. by K. R. Norman. With alternative translations by I. B. Horner and W. Rahula. 190 p. PTS Transl. series 44. L. 1984.
– General reviser of the C.P.D.; articles.
Sources: C. Blacker, Numen 28, 1981, 274-275 ; R.E. & C.W. Iggleden in Buddhist Studies in Honour of I. B. H. 1974, 1-8 with, selected bibliography, ix-xi, also a photo; K.R. Norman: “I.B.H. (1896-1981) (Obituary)”, JIABS 5:2, 1982, 145-149; Peiris, Buddhism 56-59 (nother photo); Pāli Buddhist Review 6:1, 1981-82, 49f. (in obituaries.doc); Wikipedia with photo (as young).
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