KAUFFMANN, Hans Eberhard. Mannheim 1899 — Munich 1985. German Anthropologist. After WW I his parents moved to Switzerland and he lived in Zürich until 1953. In the 1930s he organized a Swiss fascist students group. He studied anthropology under Heine-Geldern at Vienna, but made his Ph.D. 1934 at Zürich. In 1953 he moved to Freiburg i.Br. and 1963 to Munich. He never had an academic position. Beginning 1936 he made several visits to Chittagong Hills and studied and filmed Angami and Konyak Nagas, later also fieldwork in Burma and Thailand. Married 1924 Clara Coppetti.

Publications: Diss. “Landwirtschaft bei den Bergvölkern von Assam und Nord-Burma”, ZfEthnol. 66, 1934, 15-111.

– “Deutsche Naga-Hills Expedition 1936/7”, Ethnol. Anzeiger 4, 1937, 162-167; “Das Weben in den Naga-Bergen (Assam)”, ZfEthnol. 69, 1937, 113-135; “Kurze Ethnographie der nördlichen Sangtam-Naga (Lophomi), Assam”, Anthropos 34, 1939, 207-245; “The Thread-Square Symbol of the Nagas of Assam”, JRAnthrInst 73, 1943, 101-106; “Weiderecht bei den Nasa”, ZfEthnol. 75, 1950, 73-78; other articles on Nagas.

– “Die Fallen der Thadou-Kuki in Assam”, ZfEthnol. 70, 1938, 1-18; “Die Spiele der Thadou-Kuki in Assam”, ZfEthnol. 73, 1941, 40-71.

– Songs of the Naga Hills. 147 p. Micro-Bibliotheca Anthropos 4. Posieux 1953; with M. Schneider (music): Lieder aus den Naga-Bergen (Assam). 109 p. Ethnomusicologie 2. Liège 1960.

– With L. G. Löffler: “Spiele der Marma (Chittagong Hill Tracts, Ostpakistan)”, ZfEthnol. 84, 1959, 238-253.

– “Die Nouka auf dem Sangu, ein Bootstyp in Ostpakistan”, ZfEthnol. 94, 1969, 15-32.

– Also wrote on various peoples of Burma and Thailand; reviews in ZfEthnol.

Sources: D. Haller in http://www.germananthropology.com/short-portrait/hans-eberhard-kauffmann/423 with photo; *A. von Stockhausen, Imag(in)ing the Nagas. The Pictorial Ethnography of H.-E.K. and Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf. St. 2014.

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