MORÉCHAND, Guy. Paris 22.3.1923 — Le Chesnay (Yvelines) 24.2.2002. French Anthropologist. After WW II worked as journalist and studied ethnology and history of religions. Licencié ès lettres 1948 in Anthropology. Ph.D. 1966 Paris. From 1950 member of É.F.É.O. in Hanoi, 1957-63 in Japan, later in Paris and Pondicherry. Retired 1980. Married Françoise (b. 1936).

Publications: Diss. Le chamanisme des Hmong. 1965; mainly wrote on Vietnam and Japan.

– “Paul Mus (1902-1969)”,  BEFEO  57, p. 25-42.

– “Contribution à l’étude des rites funéraires indiens”, BEFEO 62, 1975, 55-124.

Sources: Chr. Culas, BEFEO 89, 2002, 15-18 with photo; Chercheurs d’Asie.

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