PÉRI, Noël

PÉRI, Noël. Cruzy-le-Châtel (Yvonne) 22.8.1865 — Hanoi 25.6.1922. Father. French Missionary and Sino-Japanologist. Son of a magistrate, school in Neufchâteau (Vosges). Ordained priest in 1888 and left for Japan. Served Paris Foreign Missions Society in Matsumoto (Nagano) and from 1894 in Tokyo. With his broad philosophical views had difficulties with his more conservative colleagues and resigned in 1902, but visited often Japan almost until his death. After a period as journalist in Shanghai, from 1907 at É.F.E.O. in Hanoi, 1911-22 its secretary-librarian. Also a musician, in Tokyo taught Western music.

Publications: “A propos de la date de Vasubandhu”, BEFEO 11, 1911, 339-390; “Les femmes du Çâkyamuni”, BEFEO 18, 1918, 1-37; “Hârîtî, la Mère-de-démons”, BEFEO 17, 1917, 17:3, 1-102; “Les femmes de Çākya-Muni”, BEFEO 18:2, 1918, 1-37.

– “Un conte hindou au Japon”, BEFEO 15:3, 1915, 1-15; many other articles on Japan.

Sources: *H. Cordier, TP 21, 1922, 366; *Cl.Ed. Maître, BEFEO 22, 1922, 404-417; Wikipedia with photo (see also French version.

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