KRICK, Hertha. Vienna 25.2.1945 — Vienna 5.1.1979. Austrian Indologist. In Vienna. Born little before the end of war, attended elementary school in 1951-55 and girls’ Gymnasium 1955-59, on her own account moved to Humanist Gymnasium and matriculated in 1963. Interested in Latin and classical mythology she started studies of classical philology at Vienna with IE linguistics as additional subject, from 1965 also Sanskrit. Started a dissertation on IE, but soon moved to Indology (under Oberhammer). Her additional interests included Iranian, Semitic, African and Fenno-Ugric languages, even Korean. In 1965 serious accident crippled her and seriously restricted her work during three years. Ph.D. 1972 Vienna. In 1972-76 Assistant at Vienna Indological Institute, in 1976-79 Lecturer there.
In her Ph.D. diss. Krick masterly applied Heesterman’s new line of interpretation. In her later studies she also dealt with Veda, at the time of her death she prepared her habilitation on Vedic full and new moon sacrifice.
Publications: Diss. Manuscript of 23+471+281 p. Vienna 1972, publ. as Das Ritual der Feuergründung (Agnyādheya). Hrsg. von G. Oberhammer. 18+683 p. S.W.A. 399. Veröff. d. Komm. f. Spr. u. Kult. Südasiens 16. Vienna 1982.
– “Der vieräugige Hund im Aśvamedha. Zur Deutung von TS VII, 1, 11, 1 (b)”, WZKS 16, 1972, 27-39; “Der Vaniṣṭhusava und Indras Offenbarung”, WZKS 19, 1975, 25-74; “Nārāyaṇabali und Opfertod”, WZKS 21, 1977, 71-142.
– Reviews in WZKS 14-23, 1970-79.
– “Materialien zur Kathaschule”, M. Witzel, The Veda in Kashmir. 2. H.O.S. 95. Cambridge, MA 2020.
– Collaborated in Kurschat’s Lithuanian Dictionary. 1-4. 1968-73.
Sources: A. Parpola, WZKS 24, 1980, 5-13 with photo.
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