LEECH, Robert

LEECH, Robert. 7.12.1813 — Ambala 2.9.1845. British Colonial Officer in India. Engineer Major, Bombay Engineers, in 1836, still as Lieutenant, Assistant of Burnes, served in Afghanistan until 1842. Then Assistant Agent in Ambala. Unmarried.

Publications: “Epitome of the Grammar of the Brahuiky, the Balochky, and the Panjabi languages”, JASB 7, 1838, 538-557, 608-620, 781-787; “A grammar of the Pashtoo or Afghanee language”, JASB 8, 1839, 1-16.

With A. Burnes, P. B. Lord & J. Wood: Reports and Papers, Political, Geographical, & Commercial. Calcutta 1839 (political, on Afghanistan and Sindh, 124 p., 51–95 by R.L.; geographical, on Afghanistan and Indus Valley, 160 p. including “Grammars of the Brahoreekee, Beeloochee, & Punjabee Languages”, 81–148, the same as above, and also by R.L. 8–19, 29–43, 149–155: Commercial, 200 p. of which 32–35, 39–70, 79–97 & 180–188 by R.L.).

– “Brief history of Kalat, brought down to the deposition and death of Mehrab Khan”, JASB 12, 1843, 473-512; “Journal of a tour through parts of the Punjab and Afghanistan, in the year 1837”, JASB 12, 1843, 764-821; “Notes taken on a tour through parts of Baluchistan, in 1838 and 1839”, JASB 13, 1844, 667-706, 786-826.

– “Notes on, and a short Vocabulary of the Hinduvee Dialect of Bundelkhand”, JASB 12, 1843, 1086-1103.

– Vocabularies of Seven Languages spoken in the Countries west of the Indus26 p. Bombay 1843.
– “A description of the country of Seisthan”, JASB 13, 1844, 116-120; “Route from Deri Ghazee Khan to Candahar, through the Sakhee Sarwar Pass and Buzdar, with other routes”, JASB 13, 1844, 527-549.
– “A Grammar of the Cashmeeree Language”, JASB 13, 1844, 397-420 (grammar) & 553-570 (vocabulary and specimens).
– “Notes on the Religion of the Sikhs, being a notice of their prayers, holidays and shrines”, JASB 14, 1845, 393-398; a few further articles.

Sources: Dates in http://glosters.tripod.com/offzdiedl.htm and findagrave.com; not in Br. Biogr. Arch.

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