LONGHENA, Mario. Parma 24.5.1876 — Bologna 25.2.1967. Italian Politician interested in India and Iran. Son of Paolo L., who as a Garibaldian had great economical difficulties. Studies at Bologna. Teacher (professor) in Agrigento, then at R. Ginnasio Marco Minghetti in Bologna. As socialist active in politics, he was forced to silence during the fascist regime and forced to retire in 1939. After war again active in Partito Socialdemocratico. In 1949–57 head of Italian Red Cross. Also active as Freemason.

Publications: “Appendici” in SFII 4, 1901 (Cartografia antiqua dell’ India), 1-56, and SFII 5, 1905, 24+56 pp.

Edited: Viaggi in Persia, India e Java di Nicolo de Conti. Milano 1929.

– Works not relevant in present context.

Sources: Franci 1991, 206f.; works in Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911 and Porru 1940; Italian Wikipedia with photo and further references.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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