MINORSKY, Vladimir

MINORSKY, Vladimir (Vladimir Fëdorovič Minorskij). Korčeva, obl. Tver 6.12.1877 — Cambridge 25.3.1966. Russian Persian Scholar in the U.K. Professor in London. Son of Fëdor Minorskij. Educated in Moscow and in 1896-1900 studied law at Moscow, then at Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages. First visit to Persia in 1902. In Russian diplomatic service 1904-1919 (1904-08, 1911, 1915-17 in Persia), then emigrated to France (from 1923 taught Persian at É.L.O.V.) and in the early 1930s to England. Teaching at S.O.A.S.: 1932 Lecturer, 1933 Reader, 1937 Professor of Persian Studies. Retired in 1944, settled in Cambridge. He was a specialist of Persian and Central Asian history of the early Islamic period. Hon. dr. Brussels 1948. Married 1913 Tatjana Šebunina (1894–1987, assisted her husband in his work), one son.

Publications: Many works on Persian and Central Asian history, on Persian and Kurdish.

– “Les tsiganes Lulī et les Lurs persans”, JA 218, 1931, 281-305.

Sharaf al-Zamān Ṭāhir Marvazī on China, the Turks and India. 170+53 p. L. 1942.

Iranica: Twenty articles. 26+322 p. Publ. de l’Univ. de Tehran 775. Hertford 1964 (with his bibliography upto 1962).

Sources: *C.E. Bosworth, A Century of British Orientalists 1902–2002. Oxford 2001, 202-218; Bosworth, Encyclop. Iranica 2004 (online); *J.A. Boyle, J. of Asian Hist. 1, 1967, 86-89; *D. M. Lang, BSOAS 29, 1966, 694-699; JRAS 1967; NAA 1966:6, 150-153; Wikipedia with photo.

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