PHILLOTT, Douglas Craven. London 28.6.1860 — 11.9.1930. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-Colonel (1906). Son of Lt.Col. Henry Rodney Phillott (1812–1876) of Indian army and Lilias Syme. Educated at Felsted School in Essex and from 1880 at Sandhurst. Lieutenant 1881, Captain 1891, Major 1900. Served in Punjab Cavalry, for a while Consul in Iran (1905-07). Retired and became 1912 Lecturer (University Teacher) in Urdu and Hindustani at Caius College, Cambridge, until his death. In WW I served as chief censor for prisoners in Cairo and Port Said. Hon. Ph.D. 1912 Calcutta. D.C., M.A. 1915. A lay ornithologist and falconer.

Publications: Hindustání Stepping Stones. Allahabad 1908; Hindustani Stumbling Blocks. 8+131 p. L. 1909; Hindustani Manual. Calcutta 1910, 3rd ed. 26+350 p. C. 1918; Urdu Idioms. 142 p. 1911; Khazīna-e Muḥāwarāt or Urdū Idioms. 1+125 p. Calcutta 1912; Hindustani Exercises for the Proficiency. Calcutta 1912.

Annotated English Translation of Urdū Rozmarra or “Every-day Urdū”. Official Text-book for the Examination of Military Officers and others by the Lower Standard Hindustani. 6+61+36+18 p.  Calcutta 1911; Khẉāb o khiyāl or “Visions of the Past”. Official Text-book for the Examination of Civil and Military Officers and others by the Higher Standard Hindustani. Calcutta 1911.

– An English-Hindustani Vocabulary for Higher Standard and Proficiency Candidates; or, “The right word in the right place”. 196 p. 1911, 2nd ed. 14+334 p. Calcutta 1917.

– Edited: The Faras-nāma of Hāshimī. 7+115 p. Bibl. Ind. Calcutta 1910; translated from Urdū: The Faras-nāma-e rangīn or the Book of the Horse by “Rangīn”. 20+83 p. L. 1911.

– Transl. Sita Ram Pandey’s From Sepoy to Subadar: being the life and adventures of a native officer of the Bengal army. Calcutta 1911.

Edited: Abū al-Faẓl al-Mubārak: Ā’īn-i Akbarī. Transl. by H. Blochmann. 2nd ed. 59+741 p. Calcutta 1927.

– Many articles of falconry and birds in literature in JASB (listed in Wikipedia).

– Also wrote on Persian and on Egyptian Arabic; translated The Bāz-nāma-yi Nāṣirī, a Persian treatise on falconry, by Taymūr Mīrzā. 24+195 p. 1908.

Sources: Wikipedia with photo and portrait;

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