BALLHATCHET, Kenneth Arthur. Bristol 29.11.1922 — 13.3.1995. British Historian of South Asia. Professor in London. Educated at Clifton College in Bristol and from 1941 at Peterhouse College in Cambridge. The studies were interrupted by service in RAF in 1942-46, two years of which were spent in India. Back in Cambridge completed Historical Tripos in 1947. From 1948 taught at S.O.A.S. as Lecturer in the History of Modern India. After two years at Oxford as Reader in Indian History in 1963-65 returned to S.O.A.S. as Professor of the History of South Asia. Retired in 1988 and was appointed Emeritus Professor.

Publications: Social policy and social change in western India, 1817–1830. 7+335 p. London Or. Ser. 1957.

Race, sex and class under the Raj: imperial attitudes and their critics, 1793–1905. 199 p. 1980.

Caste, class and catholicism in India 1789–1914. 198 p. SIAS Monogr. Ser. L. 1998.

Edited books, articles.

Sources: Peter Robb, BSOAS 59, 1996, 546f.; *Society and ideology: Essays in South Asian history presented to Professor K.A.B. 266 p. SOAS Studies on South Asia. Delhi 1993; Wikipedia briefly.

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