TUBJANSKIJ, Mihail Izrailevič

TUBJANSKIJ, Mihail Izrailevič. St.Petersburg 6.(18.)1893 — Leningrad 24.11.1937 (not 1943). Russian Indologist (Sanskrit and Bengali) and Tibetologist. Son of a Jewish official. Graduated 1919 from Oriental Faculty, Petrograd, student of Ščerbackoj and Vladimircov (Mongolian). In 1920-27 and 1937 taught Bengali at Institute of Living Oriental Languages and at Oriental Institute, Leningrad. In 1920-28 and 1937 naučnyj sotrudnik at Asian Museum and Oriental Institute, Academy of Science, Leningrad. In 1927-36 worked at Soviet embassy in Mongolia, also studying Buddhism.

Tubjanskij was the first specialist of Bengali in Russia, also a Sanskrit scholar. In the 1920s he turned to Buddhist studies, including Tibetan and Mongolian. He was arrested in August and shot in November 1937, although official claim was that he only died in 1943.

Publications: More than 20 publications, e.g.

Obrazcy bengalskoj literatury. 134 p. Petrograd 1922.

Translated: R. Tagor. Vospominanija. 235 p. M.–Lg. 1924.

– “On the Authorship of Nyāyapraveśa”, Izv. AN SSSR 6:20, 1926:9, 975-982; “K istolkovaniju mifa o Mahiṣa-mardinī”, Vost. zap. 1, 1927, 60-70.

Articles on Also on Mongolia in Sovremennaja Mongolija 1933-36.

– “Rabindranat Tagor i ego tvorčestvo”, Pis’mennye pamjatniki i problemy istorii kul’tury narodov Vostoka 3, M. 1990, 175-216.

Sources: *M.N. Koževnikova, Strany i narody Vostoka 34, 2013, 343-359; Miliband 1977 & 1995; Vasil’kov & Sorokina 2003, 378f. with photo and further references; photo in Vigasin 2008, 432.

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