RICE, Edward Peter. Bangalore 1849 — 11.12.1936. Rev. British Missionary and Scholar of Kannaḍa, in India. The youngest son of Rev. —> Benjamin H. Rice and Jane Peach Singer. B.A. Joined London Missionary Society and worked 43 years in India, first in Bangalore from 1873 (when his father was still active there). Retired in 1915 and settled in Sussex. Married 1896 Lilian Edgar, five children.
Publications: A history of Kannada (Kanarese) literature. 11915, 2nd rev. & enl. ed. 128 p. Calcutta 1921.
– The Mahābhārata. Analysis and Index. 15+112 p. L. 1934.
– Benjamin Rice or Fifty Years in the Master’s Service. 192 p. Bangalore 1890 (on his father).
Sources: http://ricesinindia.info/?page_id=39; stray notes in Internet.
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