ROCKHILL, William Woodville. Philadelphia, Pa. 1.4.1854 — Honolulu 8.12.1914. U.S. Diplomat, Traveller, Sinologist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of Thomas Cadwalader Rockhill (1819–1871) and Dorothea Anne Woodville (1823–1913). Lost his father when 13 (but claims he died 19.2.1854) and the mother settled in Paris to avoid the Civil War. Studies in Paris, in 1873 graduated from the military academy of St.Cyr. Also studied Tibetan under Feer and Foucaux. In 1873-76 served in Légion étrangère in Algeria. Returned to the U.S.A. in 1876 and lived some time as a rancher in New Mexico, but found this work not to his liking. In 1881 moved in Montreux, Switzerland, now also learned Sanskrit. In 1884-88 served at U.S. Legation in Peking (in 1886-87 in Soul). In 1888-89 and 1891-92 expeditions in China and Tibet for Smithsonian Institute. In 1893-97 served in governent offices at home. In 1897-99 Ambassador extraordinary and Minister plenipotentiary for Greece, Rumania and Serbia, then, after some years at home, in 1905-09 the same for China, 1910-11 for Russia and 1911-13 for Turkey. Retired from service in 1913. Married 1876 Caroline Tyson (d. 1897, Cordier has her as Car. Adams, has full name as Caroline Elizabeth Adams Tyson, 1846–1898) and as widower 1900 Edith Howell Perkins, two daughters. He fell ill and died during a voyage from San Francisco to China as appointed advisor to the President of China, Yuan Shi Kai.

Publications: Transl. from Tibetan: Udânavarga. A collection of verses from the Buddhist Canon. 224 p. L. 1883; “Le Traité de l’émancipation en Prâtimoksha Sûtra: traduit du tibétain”, RHR 9, 1884, 3-26 & 167-201.

With B. Nanjio and E. Leumann: The Life of the Buddha and the Early History of His Order, derived from Tibetan Works. 273 p. L. 1884.

– “Tibet. A Geographical, Ethnographical, and Historical Sketch, derived from Chinese Sources”, JRAS 1891, 1-133 & 185-291.

The Land of the Lamas. Notes of a Journey through China, Mongolia and Tibet. 8+399 p. N.Y. 1891; “Notes on the Ethnology of Tibet: based on the collections in the U.S. National Museum”, Report of the U.S. National Museum for 1893. 1895, 665-747.

Diary of a Journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892. 20 p. 413 pl. Washington 1894.

Notes on the Ethnology of Tibet: Based on the Collections in the U.S. National Museum. 83 p. 1895.

Translated: The Journey of William of Rubruck to the Eastern Parts of the World, 1253-55: As Narrated by Himself, with Two Accounts of the Earlier Journey of John of Pian de Carpine. 56+304 p. L. Hakluyt Soc. 1900.

– “The Dalai Lamas of Lhasa and their relations with the Manchu emperors of China, 1644–1908”, TP N.S. 11, 1910, 1–104.

Translated with Fr. Hirth: Chao Ju kua: His Work on the Chinese and Arab Trade in the 12th and 13th centuries, entitled Chu Fan Chï. 10+288 p. St.Petersburg 1912.

– “Notes on the Relations and Trade of China with the Eastern Archipelago and the Coast of the Indian Ocean during the Fourteenth Century”, TP 15, 1914, 419-447 & 16, 1915, 61-159, 236-271, 374-392, 435-467, 604-626.

Notes on Tibet. 67 p. New Delhi 1977.

Articles and lesser works.

Sources: *Ém. Chatelain, CRAI 58, 1914, 692-694; H. Cordier, TP 16, 1915, 160-164 (& 289f. by Laufer), with bibliography; *A.E. Hippisley, JRAS 1915, 367-374; *Hopkirk 1987, 68-75; *Lopez 2008, 182f.; *K.E. Mayer, “Close Encounters of an American Kind: W.W.R. in Tibet”, World Policy Journal 15, 1998-99, 73-90; *P.A. Varg, Open door diplomat. The Life of W.W.R. Urbana 1952; *K. Wimmel. W.W.R. Scholar-diplomat on the Tibetan highlands. Bangkok 2003; Who Was Who in Am. 1; Wikipedia with two photos.

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