SHERRING, Matthew Atmore. Halstead, Essex 26.9.1826 — Benares 10.8.1880. Rev. British Missionary and Ethnologist in India. Son of John Sherring and Maryann Mather. Educated at Coward College and University College, London (LL.B.). He joined the London Missionary Society and after ordination in 1852 went immediately to Benares. He was in charge of the mission in Benares and Mirzapur. Married 1856 Margaret Mather (daughter of —> Cotton Mather), at least one son. Died of cholera. JRAS discreetly hints that his work was somewhat controversial.
Publications: The Indian Church during the Great Rebellion: An Authentic Narrative of the Disasters that Befell It, Its Sufferings, and Faithfulness Unto Death of Many of its European and Native Members. 12+355 p. L. 1859.
– Journal of Missionary Tours to Fyzabad in Oude, and Singrowlee in the Mirzapore District, North West Provinces, India, During the Winter of 1861-1862. Mirzapore 1862.
– Benares and its Antiquities: A Lecture. 34 p. Benares 1863.
– With C. Horne: “Description of the Buddhist Ruins at Bakariya Kund, Benares”, JASB 34:1, 1865, 1-13, 8 pl.; “Some Account of Ancient Remains at Saidpúr and Bhitári”, Ibid. 80-90, 1 pl.
– The sacred city of the Hindus: an account of Benares in ancient and modern times. With Introd. by F. Hall. 36+388 p. L. 1868.
– Hindu Tribes and Castes, as represented in Benares. 1-3. 23+405+???+??? p. 1872-81.
– Hand-book for Visitors to Benares. 6+86 p. 4 pl. Calcutta 1875.
– History of Protestant Missions in India. L. 1875, new ed. rev. by E. Storrow. 15+463 p. L. 1884.
– The Hindoo Pilgrims. 125 p. L. 1878.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia very briefly, but listing his works
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