SHORE, John (Lord Teignmouth)

SHORE, John (1798 first baron Teignmouth). London 5. or 8.10.1751 — London 14.2.1834. British Colonial Officer. Son of E.I.C. employee Thomas Shore (1710–1759) and Dorothy Shepherd. Educated at Harrow. In India 1769-90 in E.I.C.’s civil service in Calcutta: in 1775-80 Member of Committee of Revenue, then Revenue Commissioner in Dacca and Bihar and 1787-89 Member of Supreme Council. After a while in England (Bart. 1792) again in Calcutta as Governor-General in 1793-98. In 1807-28 Member of Board of Control, also Privy Councillor. President of the A.S.B., 1794, and of British and Foreign Bible Society, 1804-34. He wrote much on Bengal revenue question, advocating the zamindari system, but opposing to the permanent settlement of Cornwallis. Married 1786 Charlotte Cornish (1759–1834), nine children (ir more?).

His biography of Jones was much read, but now rather notorious as it misleadingly presents Jones as a pious Evangelical Christian gentleman and conceals his rather radical political opinions.

Publications: “Translation of an inscription in the Maga Language, engraved on a Silver Plate, found in a cave near Islamabad”, As. Res. 2, 1790, 8° ed. 1799, 383-387 (described as Corrupt Buddhistic, so apparently Maga = Magadhi, i.e. Prakrit); “A Discourse delivered at the Meeting of the Asiatick Society”, As. Res. 4, 1795, 8° ed. 1799, 185-200 (on Jones); “On some Extraordinary Facts, Customs, and Practices of the Hindus”, As. Res. 4, 1795, 8° ed. 1799, 343-364.

Wrote a biography of Sir William Jones (Memoirs of the life, writings, and correspondence of Sir William Jones. 15+531 p. L. 1804) and edited his Works.

Also wrote on missionary themes.

Sources: *G.F.R.B[arker], D.N.B. 52, 1897, 149-151; Buckland, Dictionary; *A.T. Embree, Oxford D.N.B.; Trautmann 1997, 99-101; Wikipedia with portrait.

*Ch.J. Shore (his son), Memoir of the Life and Correspondence of John Lord Teignmouth. 1843.

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