SMITH, Edmund W.

SMITH, Edmund William. 25.3.1858 — 21.11.1901. British Archaelogical Photographer in India. In 1886 joined A.S.I. as Assistant Archaeological Surveyor for North-West Provinces and Oudh. Surveyor 1891, Surveyor and Curator of the Lucknow Museum 1898. Worked as Führer’s Assistant. Died of cholera.

Publications: With A.. Führer: The Sharqi-Architecture of Jaunpur; with notes on Zafarabad, Sahet-Mahet and other places in the northwest provinces and Oudh. With 74 pl. Calcutta, A.S.I. 1889.

The Moghul Architecture of Fathpur-Sikri. 1-4. 223 p. 404 ill. A.S.I. New Imperial Series 18. Allahabad 1894-98.

Moghul Color Decoration of Agra. Allahabad 1901.


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