SCHUBERT, Johannes

SCHUBERT, Johannes Siegfried. Annaberg/Sächs. Erzgebirge 7.9.1896 — Leipzig 2.8.1976. German (East) Tibetan and Mongolian Scholar. Professor in Leipzig. Son of Guido Emil S., a shop assistant, and Ida Brand. Gymnasium in Plauen, participated in WW I and matriculated only 1920. In 1920-22 studies of theology and philology at Leipzig and, after a break, Sinology (under Conrady and Erkes), Tibetan (Weller) and Turcology (A. Fischer). In 1926 moved to Berlin (Chinese under O. Francke, Hauer, E. Schmitt, Tibetan A. H. Francke, Mongolian Haenisch and Hauer). Ph.D. 1928 Berlin. From 1928 worked in Leipzig University Library, in 1930-54 as Bibliotheksrat in charge of Oriental collections, 1934-45 and 1950-52 also taught Tibetan and Mongolian at university. From 1952 Professor mit Lehrauftrag at East Asian Institute, Leipzig, from 1955 Professor mit vollem Lehrauftrag. In 1960 a new chair of Tibetan was founded for him at Leipzig, also taught at Berlin. In 1957, 1959 and 1961 visited China, Mongolia and Assam Himalayas. From 1959 Director of East Asian Institute, Leipzig University. Retired in 1962, until 1965 acting Director of Department of Economy and History at East Asian Institute. As a socialist (although a previous member of NSDAP) he was active in university administration. Married with Maria Hötzel.

Schubert was mainly a Tibetan scholar. At Leipzig he taught classical Chinese, classical Mongolian, classical and modern Tibetan. A further interest was the Nakhi pictography. He had a remarkable collection of Central Asian stamps and wrote on postal history.

Publications: Diss. publ. “Tibetische Nationalgrammatik. 1. Das und Rtags.Kyi.’ des Lama Dbyaṅs.can.grub.pai.rdo.rje. Ein Kommentar zu den gleichnamigen Schriften Thon.mi.Sam.bho.ṭa’s. Übers. und erklärt”, Mitt. Sem. or. Spr. 1928, 1-59, part 2. ibid. 1929, 1-54.

Edited & transl. Rol.pai.rdo.rje, und Rtags.Kyi.’ Tibetische National­grammatik. Kommentar zu den gleichnamigen Schriften Thon.mi.Sam.bho.ṭa’s. 104 p. Art. As. Suppl. 1. Lp. 1937.

– “Firdausi und seine Zeit”, Buch und Schrift N.F. 1, 1938, 20-72; “Entwicklung des chinesischen Blockdruckes”, ibid. 3, 1940, 59-86; “Na-khi-Piktographie. Notizen über eine wenig beachtete Bilderschrift”, Buch und Papier. 1949, 114-142.

– “Typographia Tibetana”, Gutenberg-Jb. 1950, 280-298; “Das Wunschopfer um Śambhala. Ein tibetischer Kālacakra-Text mit einer mongolischer Übertragung, hrsg., übers. und erläutert”, MIO 1, 1953, 424-473.

Roter Fluss und Blaue Berge. Durch Dschungel und Urwald von Assam. 100 p. Lp. 1960 (popular); Ritt zum Burchan-Chaldan. Forschungsreisen in der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. 230 p. 56 pl. Lp. 1963 (scholarly).

Paralipomena Mongolica: wissenschaftliche Notizen über Land, Leute und Lebensweise in der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. 324 p. B. 1971.

Articles and reviews on Tibet, Mongolia, China, and philately.

Sources: E. Richter & M. Taube, WZLeipzig 26:2, 1977, 169-171; Studia Asiae J.S. … gewidmet. Suppl. to Buddhist Yearly 1968”, Halle, with bibliography and photo; *E. Richter & M. Taube (ed.), Asienwissenschaftliche Beiträge J.S. in memoriam. Veröff. des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig 32 B. 1978; H. Walravens, “Der Tibetologe J.S. (1896-1976) im Spiegel seiner Personalakte”, NOAG 183-184, 2008, 167-180; diss. in Janert; parents and details of career; German Wikipedia.

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