SCHUBRING, Julius Hermann Walther (Walter). Lübeck 10.12.1881 — Hamburg 13.4.1969. German Indologist. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Julius S., a classical scholar and the director of Realgymnasium Katharineum in Lübeck, and Anna Nagel, learnt classical languages at home and Sanskrit as a schoolboy. Matriculated in 1900 from Katharineum and began studies at Munich, soon moved to Strassburg, where the Jaina specialist Leumann became his teacher. Ph.D. 1904 Strassburg. In 1905-20 he was working in Berlin University Library, with time enough to pursue his studies. PD 1917 Berlin. From 1920 Professor at Hamburg University, retired 1950 (succeeded by his student Alsdorf). In 1927-28 visited India. Hon. Ph.D. 1964 Ghent. Married 1912 Clara Rodewaldt, one daughter.

Schubring was one of the best Western  scholars of Jainism, although familiar with other sides of Indology, too. His main project was the reconstruction of a critical text of the Śvetāmbara canon. Die Lehre der Jainas was the first manual to expose Jainism according to original Prākrit texts (and not later Sanskrit compilations). In his teaching he covered everything, from the Rigveda to Pāli and classical poetry. He also knew Hindi and Gujarati. Among his students were Alsdorf, Bruhn, Caillat, Deleu, Hamm and Amulyachandra Sen.

Publications: Diss. Das Kalpa-Sūtra, die alte Sammlung jinistischer Mönchs­vorschriften. Einl., Text, Anm., Übers., Glossar. 71 p. Lp. 1905.

– Edited: Ācārâṅga-Sūtra. Erste Śrutaskandha. A.K.M. 118 p. 12:4. Lp. 1910.

– Edited: Vavahāra- und Nisīha-Sūtra. 72 p. A.K.M. 15:1. Lp. 1918; republ. together with diss. in Devanāgarī: Kalpa-Vyavahāra-Niśītha-Sūtrāṇi. Poona 1923.

Das Mahānisīhasutta 1–5. 10+240 p.ABeAW 1918 (analysis).

– “Beiträge zur indischen Verskunde 1. Ein Seitenstück zum Prākṛta-Piṅgala”, ZDMG 75, 1921, 97-121; “… 2. Zwei Heiligen-Paare im Preislied”, ZII 2, 1923, 178-203

Transl. Worte Mahāvīras. Kritische Übersetzungen aus dem Kanon der Jaina. 9+152 p. Quellen der Religionsgesch. 14. Göttingen & Lp. 1926; Die Jainas. 4+33 p. Religionsgesch. Lesebuch 7. Tübingen 1927; The Dasaveyāliya Sutta. Ed. by E. Leumann, tr. by W.S. Ahmedabad 1932.

Die Lehre der Jainas. 3+251 p. Grundriss III:7. B. & Lp. 1935, English translation Delhi 1962.

Isibhāsiyāiṁ. NGAW 1942, 489-576 (text), NGAW 1951 (chāyā); Aussprüche in Versen. A.N.I.St. 14. Hamburg 1969 (translation).

Edited with Hamm: Studien zum Mahānisīha. Kapitel 6–8. 116 p. A.N.I.St. 6. Hamburg 1951; with Deleu: St. zum M. Kapitel 1–5. 250 p. A.N.I.St. 10. Hamburg 1963.

Die Jaina-Handschriften der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek. Neuerwerbungen seit 1891. 13+647 p. Verz. Hss. im Deutschen Reich 3:1:1. Lp. 1944.

– “Zum Lalitavistara”, Fs. Weller 1954, 610-655; “150 Strophen Niryukti: Ein Blick in die Jaina-Scholastik”, Fs. Kirfel 1955, 297-319; “Kundakunda echt und unecht”, ZDMG 107, 1957, 557-574.

– “Sahajānanda und die Swāmi-Nārāyaṇīyas”, NGAW 1962:4, 95-133.

– “Der Jinismus”, Die religionen Indiens. 3. St. 1962, 217-240.

Edited: Indische Handschriften. Teil 1. Hrsg. von W. Schubring, beschrieben von K. L. Janert. 306 p. V.O.H.D. 2:1. Wb. 1962.

Edited & transl. Drei Chedasūtras des Jaina-Kanons. Āyāradasāo, Vavahārra, Nisīha. 5+106 p. A.N.I.St. 11. Hamburg 1966.

Tandulaveyāliya. 32 p. A.W.L.Mainz 1969:6; “Gaṇivijjā”, IIJ 11, 1969, 130-141.

Nāyādhammakahāo. Das sechste Anga des Jaina-Siddhanta. Nacherzählung, ausgew Textausgabe und Kommentar. Aus dem Nachlass hrsg. von J. Deleu. 79 p. A.W.L.Mainz 1978:6.

Articles and reviews in ZDMG, ZII, OLZ, DLZ, etc., Kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von K. Bruhn. 20+497 p. Glasenapp-St. 13. Wb. 1977.

Sources: Klaus Bruhn, N.D.B. 23, 2007, 618f.; C. Caillat, JA 1070, 411-414; *J. Deleu, Or.Gand. 4, 1967, 175-178; Hamm, Jain Journal Calcutta 1970, 1-15, with photo and bibliography; Beiträge zur indischen Philologie und Altertumskunde. W.S. zum 70. Geburtstag dargebracht. Hamburg 1951, with bibliography 1905–51 by Hamm; Stache-Rosen 1990, 201-203; *A.N. Upadhye, JOIB 18, 1968-69, 387-392; briefly D.B.E. 9, 1998, 166; German Wikipedia; the same photo in Festschrift, Rau 108 and Indology in G.D.R. 1978, another in Sardesai.

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