SCHWAB, Julius. 17.4.1852 — 1928. German Librarian and Student of Indology. Born in a Roman Catholic family. Studies at Munich under E. Kuhn. Ph.D. 1882 Munich. From 1882 Hilfsarbeiter at Grossherzogliche Badische Hof- und Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe, from 1887 at university library in Freiburg i.Br. (1890 custos, 1900 librarian, still there 1916, now with Professor’s title). His book on animal sacrifice was a classic of its time.
Publications: Diss. Das altindische Tieropfer. 35 p. 1882, the whole work publ. 24+168 p. Erlangen 1886.
– Die Proclamation des Königs in Sophokles Tragödie Oedipus. 26 p. 1881 (is it by the same J.S.?).
Sources: Diss. in Janert, works checked from N.U.C., Br. Library Catal., Bibl. Nat. Catal. No vita in diss. N.B. There was another J.S., a physician, who translated Gobineau (1926) and wrote about races (1934). Few details (incl. birth date) in Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 17, 1900, 56; death year in
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