BOHNENBERGER, Karl. Riedbach, Bavaria 26.8.1863 — Tübingen 29.10.1951. German Linguist (Germanist) interested in Indology. Librarian and Professor in Tübingen. Son of Heinrich B. (a minister, d. 1919) and Sophie Berg (1837-1927). School at Niederes evangelisch-theologisches. Seminar, Württemberg. In 1881-86 studies of theology and philology at Tübingen, main teachers Roth and Sievers. Ph.D. 1886 (diss. on German place names), from 1892 PD there (habil. on German dialects). In 1886-88 worked as a priest, then at University Library in Tübingen, from 1899 also ao. Professor and 1921 ord. Professor für deutsche Sprache.
Publications: Several books on German dialects, especially on Alemannian, the last posthumously.
– Der altindische Gott Varuṇa nach den Liedern des Rgveda. 127 p. Tübingen 1893 (not a diss.!).
Sources: H. Dölker, N.D.B. 2, 422;; German Wikipedia with further references.
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