BOISEN, Lars Nannestad. Vesterborg, Lolland 8.2.1803 — Ibid. 22.4.1875. Danish Priest and Theologian interested in Sanskrit and Oriental Studies. Bishop of Vesterborg-Birket. Son of Peter Outzen B. (1762–1831), the bishop of Vesterborg, and Anna Nannestad (1775–1853). Educated by his father and in 1817-19 at Nykøbing school. From 1819 studies of theology at Copenhagen, in 1824 embedseksamen in theology. After one year as a teacher at his old school in Nykøbing he went to Germany and studied in 1825-26 at Halle Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic and, after a visit to Switzerland in 1826-27, Arabic (under Freytag) and Sanskrit (under v. Schlegel and Lassen) at Bonn. While there he was greatly impressed by the meeting with an Anglican religious and decided to take ecclesiastic office instead of a university career. Nevertheless, he went to Paris and pursued his studies under Silvestre de Sacy and Chézy. In 1827 he presented his mag.diss. on Arabic literature at Copenhagen. From 1829 in church service, in 1831 succeeded his father on bishopric and held this office until his death. Married 1829 Berte Schiern (1801–1839), again 1842 Marthe Rützou (née Ipsen, 1810–1886), one son and one daughter from the second marriage.
Publications: Carmen Maksura Dictum. 146 p. Havniae 1828; Kortfattet arabisk Grammatik. 103 p. Copenhagen 1831.
– Translated: Østerlandske Blomster. 136 p. Copenhagen 1834 (from Arabic, Persian, and Sanskrit; including passages of the Rāmāyaṇa, Mahābhārata, with Bhagavadgītā, and Hitopadeśa).
– Israels Historie: oplyst ved hjoelp af nyere reisebeskrivelser samt andre videnskabelige hjælpemidler. 1-5. Copenhagen 1847-63; Vandringer i Syrien og det hellige Land. 103 p. Haderslev 1854; two religious books.
Sources: Dansk biogr. lex. 3rd ed. 2; briefly E. Pauly, Køb. Univ. 8, 1992, 528f.
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