BRANFILL, Brydges Robinson

BRANFILL, Brydges Robinson. Upminster Hall, Essex 22.11.1834 (or 1833?) — Billericay, Essex 26.5.1905. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Champion Edward Br. (d. 1844) and Anna Eliza Hammond. From 1854 in Bengal Cavalry, Lieutenant-colonel (1876). From 1871 Deputy-Superintendent in Trigonometrical Survey of India, in charge of Madras Party (in Bangalore). Retired as Major-General in 1884. In retirement living in Essex. Married 1870 Amy Sophia Shakespear (1848–1935), two sons, two daughters.

Publications: Articles in Indian journals, e.g. “On the names of places in Tanjore”, MJLS 1879, 43-92; “Descriptive Remarks on the Seven Pagodas”, MJLS 1880, 82-232 (Mahabalipuram); “On the Sâvandurga Rude Stone Cemetery, Central Maisur”, IA 10, 1880, 1-12; “Description of the Great Siva temple of Gangai Kondapuram and of some other places in the Trichinopoli District”, JASB 49:1, 1880, 1-7 (cf. IA 10, 1880); “Rude Megalithic Monuments in North Arcot”, JASB 49:1, 1880, 8-10, 1 pl.; “On Vijnôt and other old sites in N.E. Sindh”, IA 11, 1881, 1-9.

Sources: J.J. Howard, Visitation of England and Wales. Vol. 17; stray notes in Interest. Not in Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st and 2nd Series, not in the N.U.C.

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