BRIGGS, Henry George

BRIGGS, Henry George. Bombay 20.10.1824 — Bombay 4.7.1872. British Merchant, Traveller, and Orientalist. Son of Henry Briggs. In 1843 travelled in South Africa, in 1845 in China. In 1846 settled at the office of Briggs & Co. in Bombay. For a while lived in Karachi (1854/55), then from 1856 Assistant Secretary in Bombay to the G.I.P. Railway, 1860-62 Secretary to the Bombay Municipality. Merchant in Bombay, lost his firm in 1865, and after travelling in Gujarat entered the Public Works Department in Calcutta. In May 1872 returned to Bombay and soon died.

Publications: The Cities of Gujarashtra, their topography and history illustrated in a Journal of a recent tour. 437 p. Bombay 1849; The Pársis or Modern Zerdushtians. 11+146 p. Bombay 1852.

The Nizam, his history and relations with the British government. 1-2. 423+417 p. L. 1861.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia from the same.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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