BROWN, Cecil Jermyn. Ipswich 1886 — 20.10.1945. British Teacher of English Language and Numismatist in India. Son of Edgar Jermyn Br. and Annie Lovely. Educated in Ipswich, studies at Oxford (Trinity College). M.A. From 1909 teacher at the Canning College, Lucknow. 1919-21 Fellow of the Allahabad University, from 1921 Reader in English Literature at the Lucknow University and 1923-26 Professor of English Literature there. Last years in Scotland. Married with Gladys Smith, three sons.
Publications: Catalogue of coins of the Guptas, Maukharis etc. in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow. 45 p. Allahabad 1920; Catalogue of the Mughal Coins in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow. 1-2. 89+468 p. 22 pl. Oxford 1920; The Coins of India. 120 p. 12 pl. The Heritage of India Series. L. 1922; “Coins of Awadh”, J. Allan (ed.), Catalogue of the Coins in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Oxford 1928; a number of articles on numismatics in various journals.
Sources: Who Was Who 1941–1950.
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