LUMSDEN, Harry Burnett. Bay of Bengal 12.11.1821 — Belhelvie, Aberdeenshire 12.8.1896. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Offcer in India. Lieutenant-General. Son of Colonel Thomas L. and Hay Burnett, cousin of —> Matthew L. After early years in Bengal, when he was six he was sent to his grandmother in Aberdeenshire. Came to India as cadet in 1838, served in North-West India (1852-55 on leave in the U.K.), participated in the first Anglo-Afghan war, in Anglo-Sikh wars and in 1857. In 1847 established the Corps of Guides. In 1862-69 in Hyderabad commanding Nizam’s army, then soon returned to the U.K. and settled in family estate Belhelvie, which he inherited in 1874. K.C.S.I. 1873. Formally retired in 1875. Married 1866 (when on leave) Fanny Myers.
Publications: The Mission to Kandahar.5+282 p. Calcutta 1860 (much on Nuristani languages and ethnography).
Sources: *P.S. Lumsden (his brother) & G.R. Elsmie, Lumsden of the Guides. L. 1899; Wikipedia, long article with drawing.
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