AHVLEDIANI, Georgij Saridanovič

AHVLEDIANI, Georgij Saridanovič. Leykumi, Kutaisskij rajon 1.(13.)4.1887 — Tbilisi 9.7.1973. Georgian Indo-Iranian Scholar and Linguist. Son of a farm owner. Graduated 1914 from Harkov University. Taught Linguistics at Tbilisi University from 1918, Professor from 1932. Corresponding member of the Soviet Academy of Science 1939, full member of the Georgian Academy…

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AGRELL, Per Sigurd

AGRELL, Per Sigurd. Rämmen, Värmland 16.1.1881 — Lund 19.4.1937. Swedish Slavist and IE Lin­guist, Runic Scholar, Translator and Poet. Professor in Lund. Son of factory owner Frans Vilhelm A. and Ida Örten­holm. Studies from 1899 at Uppsala: fil.kand. & fil.lic. 1907 there, Ph.D. 1909 Lund. PD i slaviska språk from…

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AGERSCHOU, Agnes Margrethe

AGERSCHOU, Agnes Margrethe. Rudkøbing, Langeland 8.5.1912 — 12.8.1968. Danish Assistant of the C.P.D. Daughter of the bankfuldmægtig (?) Vilhelm Kristian A. and Kristina Maria Sand Valborg Rinder. Matriculated from Randers 1930, M.A. 1940 in Nordic philology at Copenhagen. Assistant of the C.P.D. in 1940-49. Married 1944 with the teacher Anker…

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ADRICHEM, Dirk van

ADRICHEM, Dirk van. 16?? — 1665?. Dutch Colonial Agent in India. He was the chief of the Dutch factory in Surat 1662-65, and in 1662 visited the court of Aurangzib on a diplomatic mission, to con­gratulate the emperor on his accession. He spent three months in Delhi, and published an…

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ADICEAM, Marguerite E

ADICEAM, Marguerite E. (née Prost). Bourg 22.7.1911 — Pondicherry 21.10.1989. Mme. French Indologist. Studied classics at Lyon, later also Sanskrit. In 1946-54 teacher at French college in Pondicherry. Back in France student of Filliozat. In 1966-71 scientific member of E.F.E.O. in Pondicherry, then retired. Specialist of Hindu religion, especially of…

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ADELUNG, Friedrich Georg von

ADELUNG, Friedrich Georg von. Stettin 25.2.1768 — St.Petersburg (or Berlin?) 30.1.1843. German (in Russia) Historian and lay Indologist. Son of the Prussian Oberfeldapothekar Paulus Ad. (1736–1785), nephew of the famous Linguist Johann Christoph Adelung (1732–1806). Studies at Leipzig (Law & Philosophy) 1787-90, then travelled in Central and South Europe. Settled…

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ADAM, Matthew Thomson

ADAM, Matthew Thomson. 17?? — 18??. Rev. British Priest in India and Author of Books on Hindi/Urdu. Ordained 1819, arrived in 1820 at Calcutta with his wife and soon proceeded to Benares, working for London Missionary Society as teacher at Hindu College. He was a keen student of Hindi. In…

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ACQUAVIVA, Rodolfo. Atri, Abruzzi 2.10.1550 — Cocalin (Cuncolim), Goa 15.7.1583. S.J. Italian Missionary in India. Of high birth: nephew of a Jesuit general, brother of two future cardinals, son of Giangirolamo A., the Duke of Atri. Joined S.J. 1568, educated in Rome. Selected to missionary work and ordained as a…

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ACOSTA, Cristóvão da (Cristóbal d’Acosta Africanus)

ACOSTA, Cristóvão da (Cristóbal d’Acosta, Christophorus Acosta Africanus). 1515/1525/1538? — Burgos 1592 or Huelva 1594?. Portuguese Physician, stayed in India in 1568-76. Born in Africa (Tanger, Ceuta or Cape Verde). Probably studied at Salamanca and came 1550 to India as soldier. After a while in Portugal returned as physician in…

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