BUSLAEV, Fëdor Ivanovič

BUSLAEV, Fëdor Ivanovič. Kerensk (now Vadinsk in obl. Penza) 13.(25.)5.1818 — Ljubino near Moscow 31.7.(12.8.)1897. Russian IE and Slavonic Linguist. Educated in Kerensk and Penza. From 1834 studies of Russian linguistics at Moscow, magistr 1843. In 1838 travelled in Germany, Italy and France. In 1841-47 gymnasium teacher in Moscow, the…

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BRUNNER, Fernand

BRUNNER, Fernand. Lausanne 8.10.1920 — Cortaillod, canton Neuchâtel 1.11.1991. Swiss Philosopher. Professor in Neuchâtel. Studies at Lausanne (licence ès lettres 1942) and after war in Paris (Ph.D. 1951). From 1954 Professor at Neuchâtel, retired in 1986. In 1956-85 also taught at Bern. Publications: Much on Western and Islamic philosophy, beginning with…

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BROWNE, Gerald Michael

BROWNE, Gerald Michael (mentioned both as Gerald M. and G. Michael). Detroit 13.12.1943 — Urbana, Ill. 24.8.2004. U.S. Philologist. Son of Walter Whitney and Marjorie Marie Eckard Browne. A.B. 1965 University of Michigan, A.M. 1966, Ph.D. 1968. Beside Greek and Egyptology also studied Sanskrit. Professor of Classics at University of Illinois,…

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BRIEM, Efraim

BRIEM,  Olof Efraim (born Olsson). Helsingborg 17.9.1890 — Lund 15.6.1946.  Swedish Historian of Religions. Son of merchant Olof Ludvig Olsson (d. 1908) and Emma Cecilia Rosendahl. Matriculated 1909 from Lund. Studies at Lund: Cand, theol. 1912, Cand. philos. 1913, Lic. philos. 1915, Ph.D. 1918, Dr. theol. 1923. Ordained priest. From 1918 Docent…

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BOULANGER-MALONEY, Chantal. Paris 4.1.1957 — Kebili, Tunisia 27.12.2004. French Social Anthropo­logist working on South India. Educated in France, studied in Brighton and Japan, then anthropology and Tamil in Paris. In 1989-93 worked in American Museum of Natural History in New York. Then in France, but 1997 moved to London. Interested…

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BORTHWICK, Meredith. Colombo 1950 — 1995. Australian Diplomat and Scholar. Daughter of a diplomat, grew up in Ceylon, Singapore and Thailand. High school in Canberra. B.A. and M.A. Melbourne, in Indian history. Ph.D. A.N.U. In 1980 joined the Department of Foreign Affairs, first posted in Bangkok. Later on in Uruguay,…

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BONFANTE, Giuliano

BONFANTE, Giuliano. Milano 6.8.1904 — Rome 9.9.2005. Italian IE and Romance Linguist. Son of Pietro B. (1864-1932), Professor and scholar of the history of Roman law. Studies of literature and law in Rome. Professor from 1929 at Naples, in 1933-37 in Madrid, Spain, 1938-52 in Geneva, Switzerland, 1939-52 at Princeton,…

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BAŠIĆ(-MALNAR), Karmen. Zagreb 25.6.1943 — Almaty 22.3.1999. Yugoslavian/Croatian Indologist. Studied German and English, then Indology at Zagreb. In 1975 she was preparing a study on Ānandavardhana’s dhvani theory in Zagreb, in 1984 still there, as M.A. Married Željko Malnar (1944–2013), a writer and TV celebrity. Publications: Putnici u Indiju iz…

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BAADER, Theodor

BAADER, Theodor Ludger Josef Anna Maria. Münster 25.4.1888 — Hiltrup, Westfalen 16.4.1959. German Linguist. Ph.D. 1913 Münster (diss. on local dialect). From 1923 Professor of Germanic and Celtic Languages at Nijmegen, taught there until 1944. A militant catholic and Nazi sympathizer he fled before the allied forces to Münster, where…

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BUSCHMANN,  Johann Carl Eduard. Magdeburg 14.2.1805 — Berlin 21.4.1880. German Linguist. Son of a craftsman. After school in Magdeburg studies of Arabic, Persian and especially Sanskrit at Berlin (Bopp), then at Göttingen, but never completed Ph.D. Later turned to Malayo-Polynesian and American languages. As tutor in Mexico 1826-28 he learned Nahuatl…

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