BERNŠTAM, Aleksandr Natanovič

BERNŠTAM, Aleksandr Natanovič. Kerch (Kerč), Crimea 1.(14.)10.1910 — Leningrad 10.12.1956 (when 47). Russian Central Asian Archaeologist. Educated in Sevastopol. Graduated 1931 from Leningrad Inst. of History, Philology and Linguistics. Kand. ist. nauk 1935, Dr. ist. n. 1943. In 1932-35 naučnyj sotrudnik at Hermitage, 1934-56 at Academy of History of Material Culture.…

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BERNOULLI, Jean (Johann)

BERNOULLI, Johann. Basel 4.11.1744 — Berlin-Köpenick 13.7.1807. Swiss Scientist interested in India. Born in the family of famous mathematicians, himself a noted astronomer and called Johann III as the third scholar of this name in the family (his father was Johann II, mother Susanna König). Studies of law at Basel…

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BERNIER, François

BERNIER, François. Joué-Etiau (Maine-et-Loire) 26.9.1620 — Dauphine (or Paris?) 22.9.1688. French Physician and Traveller in India. Spent twelve years (1656-68) in India, and was 8 years physician at the Mughal court. Son of Pierre B., one of the foremost tenants of the chapter of Angers, and Andrée Grimault. He lost…

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BERNHEIMER, Carlo. Leghorn 3.9.1877 — 1966. Italian (Jewish) Indologist and Palaeographist. From Leghorn, studies at Bologna (Pullé), graduated 1896/97. Taught from 1906 as Docent of Sanskrit at University of Bologna, also taught palaeography, dismissed in 1938 because of Fascist racial laws, restored 1945. Stopped publication after the heavy criticism of…

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BERNHARD, Franz. Schweidnitz in Silesia (now Świdnica in Poland) 31.5.1931 — Mustang/Nepal 5.9. 1971. German Indologist. Professor in Hamburg. Son of a butcher from Silesia. Studied at Göttingen in 1952-60 classical philology, Indology (under W. Thomas and Waldschmidt), IE, and even Finno-Ugric philology. Ph.D. 1958 Göttingen. In 1956-60 worked at…

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BERNET KEMPERS, August Johan. ’s-Hertogenbosch 7.10.1906 — Arnhem 2.5.1992. Dutch Art Historian and South-East Asian Scholar, long time in Indonesia. Son of Karel Jan Willem B. K., a notary, and Anna den Doesschate. After school in Middelburg studies of Indo-Iranian and Indonesian from 1926 at Leiden, Ph.D. 1933 (under Krom).…

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BERNER, Vil’gel’m Mihajlovič

BERNER, Vil’gel’m Mihajlovič. v Baranovič, Minskoj gub. (now Belarus) 1903 — Leningrad 1958. Russian Indologist. After school from 1917 apprenticed in NW railway, in 1920 volunteer in Red Army and member of Communist Party. In 1922-26 machinist in Soviet Navy, 1926-29 fireman in the factory Krasnaja Zarja, Leningrad, 1929-31 “revizor…

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BERNEKER, Erich. Königsberg 3.2.1874 — Munich 15/20.3.1937. German Linguist, mainly Slavic, but also IE Scholar. Professor in Munich. Son of bank director Richard B. and Johanna Glum. Studies of Germanic at Freiburg i.Br. and of Slavic at Leipzig and Moscow. Ph.D. 1895 (under Leskien) and PD 1899 Berlin. In 1896-99…

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BERNARD, Theos Casimir Hamati. Los Angeles 10.12.1908 — Kosar, Pakistan ?.9.1947. U.S. Bauddha and Yogi. Son of Glen Agassiz B. and Aura Crable, nephew of the yogi Pierre Arnold Baker (1875–1955). Graduated from the University of Arizona Law School (L.L.B. 1931) and Columbia University (M.A. 1936 in Philosophy). Prompted by…

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