CALLE, Pedro Urbano de la
CALLE, Pedro Urbano de la —> GONZÁLES DE LA CALLE, P. U.
CALLE, Pedro Urbano de la —> GONZÁLES DE LA CALLE, P. U.
CALDWELL, Robert. Clady, county Antrim, Northern Ireland 7.5.1814 — Kodaikanal, India 28.8.1891. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary and Indologist. Born in Ireland of poor Presbyterian Scottish parents, the family moved to Glasgow, where he had to work from the age of nine. When fifteen he moved to Dublin and began studies…
CALAND, Willem. Brielle (Den Briel), Zuid Holland 27.8.1859 — Utrecht 23.3. 1932. Dutch Indologist. Professor in Utrecht. Son of the water engineer Pieter C. and Helena de Jonge. Educated in the Hague. Studied from 1877 classical philology under Cobet at Leiden, became interested in Kern’s lectures. In 1880 candidate and…
CAIX DE SAINT-AYMOUR, Amédée, vicomte de. Senlis (Oise) 26.4.1843 — Paris 1.2.1921. French Archaeologist and Historian with early interest in Comparative Linguistics. Studied law and linguistics, later turned to archaeology. Son of Léon de Caix de St.-A. (maire of Ognon) and Louise Marie Eugénie Raffard de Marcilly. In 1869 led an…
CAIN, John. 184? — 17.3.1917. Rev. British Missionary in India. Arrived in India in 1869, from 1874 in Dummagudem in Godavari dt. working there until his death. Married 1880 Sarah Davies (d. 1934), the first Australian missionary in India. He collected notes about Dravidian tribal languages and customs and participated…
CADELL, Patrick Robert. Bhurtpore (Bharatpur), Bengal 6.5.1871 — Frilford Heath, Abingdon 22.11.1961 (when 90). Sir. British Civil Servant in India and Historian of Colonial India. Son of colonel Thomas C. and Anna Dalmahoy (d. 1876). Educated at Haileybury, studies at Oxford (Balliol College). Joined I.C.S. in 1891, served mainly in Bombay…
CACELLA, Estevão. Aviz/Evora 1585 — Shigatse 6.3.1630. S.J. Portuguese Missionary in India and Ladakh. Joined the S.J. in 1604, left for India in 1614. Served first in Malabar mission in Cochin, in 1626 he was sent together with —> J. Cabral to Shigatse (arrived in 1627 via Bhutan), where he…
CABRAL, Pedro Álvarez. Belmonte, Portugal 1467/68 — Santarém? 1520. Portuguese Sailor. Son of a nobleman, Fernão C., himself in high positions at the court of king Manuel. In 1500 he was given the command of the second Portuguese Indian expedition. Started from Lisbon 9.3.1500, was driven to Brazil, which was…
CABRAL, João. Cerolico/Guarda 1599/1601 — Goa 4.7.1669. S.J. Portuguese Missionary in India and Ladakh. From Celorico (Beira). Jesuit since 1619 (novice 1615), studied in Braga and Coimbra, in 1624 to India. In 1626 he was sent together with —> E. Cacella to Shigatse (arrived in 1627 via Bhutan), in 1628…
CABATON, Antoine. Nérondes (Cher) 11.12.1863 — Vannes, Brittany 25.11.1942. French Physician and a Scholar of South-East Asia and Indonesia. Grew up in Paris and Orléans. Studies of pharmacy, then, after military service (1884-86), of medicine (, also of Sanskrit at É.P.H.É. (Lévi) and Egyptology at École du Louvre. Worked in…