HAMILTON, Clarence H.

HAMILTON, Clarence Herbert. Des Moines, Iowa 8.1.1886 — Lexington, MA 6.7.1986, when 100. U.S. Buddhist Scholar. Missionary-Professor in China 1914-27. Son of George Lee H. and Carrie Eva Wood. Educated at University of Chicago: A.B. 1910, Ph.D. 1914. In 1920-21 studied at Union Theological Seminar in New York. In 1914-27…

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HAMILTON, Charles. Belfast 1752/53 — Hampstead, London 14.3.1792, when 39. British Colonial Officer in India. Probably son of Charles H., a merchant (d. 1759), and Katherine Mackay (d. 1767). Worked two years in a Dublin mercantile house, then “went to India in the E.I.C.’s military service in 1776; was one…

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HAMILTON, Alexander

HAMILTON, Alexander. 3.10.1762 — Liverpool 30.12.1824. British (Scottish) Pioneer of Indology. Born in Scotland (if not in India), son of William H., a merchant in Greenock (Inverclyde), and Jean Donald, and grandson of Alexander H., Laird of Grange in Ayrshire, brother of Major Walter Hamilton (1779–1818), who also wrote on…

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HAMBIS, Louis George Rémy. Ligugé (Vienne) 18.12.1906 — Paris 10.10.1978. French Central Asian Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of an industrialist. In 1927-28 studies of history, but also under Pelliot, diplome of É.P.H.É. In 1942-47 Chargé de cours de mongol at É.L.O.V. In 1947-50 Administrateur of Centre d’études sinologiques de…

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HAMAKER, Hendrik Arent

HAMAKER, Hendrik Arent. Amsterdam 25.2.1789 — Neerlangbroek, Utrecht Province 7.10.1835. Dutch Oriental Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Leiden. Studies of classical philology, then of Oriental languages under Wilmet at Athenaeum of Amsterdam. In 1815-17 Professor of Arabic, Chaldaean and Syriac at Athenaeum of Franeker, from 1817 Professor of Arabic…

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HALOUN, Gustav

HALOUN, Gustav. Pirnitz (now Brtnice in Moravia) 12.1.1898 — Cambridge 24.12.1951. Czech/German Sinologist in the U.K. Professor in Cambridge. Son of forest officer (Forstrat) G. Haloun, educated in Iglau (Jihlava). From 1916 in army, from 1918 studies of Sinology at Vienna (von Rosthorn) and especially at Leipzig, under Conrady. Ph.D.…

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HALLETT, Holt Samuel. 1841 — London 11.11.1911. British Railway Engineer in India. Son of T. Perlham L. Hallett, LL.D., of Dorset, educated at Kensington School and Charterhouse. Qualified for Engineer on London and North Western Railway, employed in construction work in Lancashire and Cheshire 1860-68. Entered Indian P.W.D., 1868, and…

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HALLADE, Madeleine

HALLADE, Madeleine. Colombes near Paris 18.5.1891 — 30.9.1968. Mlle. French Art Historian. Educated at Lycée Racine and Cheltenham College in England. In 1919-20 studied painting at École de Beaux-Arts, worked herself as painter. In 1931-39 studies of art history at École du Louvre under Hackin and Stern (diplome 1939). From…

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HALL, Fitzedward

HALL, Fitzedward. Troy, N.Y. 21.3.1825 — Marlesford, Suffolk 1.2.1901 (or 11.2.?). U.S. Indologist, in India 1846-62 and then in the U.K. Born in an old New England family, son of Daniel Hall, a lawyer, and Anginetta Fitch. Educated in Troy, Walpole and Poughkeepsie, graduated 1842 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as…

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