KITTEL, Ferdinand

KITTEL, Georg Ferdinand. Resterhafe, Ostfriesland 7.4.1832 — Tübingen 19.12.1905. German Missionary and Indologist, a Kannaḍa Scholar. In India in 1853-77 and 1883-92. Son of a village minister, Gottfried Christian K., and Tjeddowe Helen Hubert, educated at home and in Aurich, but left the school in order to become a missionary.…

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KIRSTE, Johann

KIRSTE, Johann Otto Ferdinand. Graz 1.10.1851 — Graz 2.5.1920. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Graz. Son of a ropemaker master Johann Martin K. in a Calvinist family originally coming from Posen, and Antoinette Hieronymus. In 1870-72 studies of classical philology and a little Sanskrit at Graz (under Schenkl). After brief periods…

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KIRKPATRICK, William. Ireland (?) 1754 — Exeter 22.8.1812. British (Irish) Colonial Officer in India. Son of Colonel James K. (1739–1818) of Madras Cavalry, and Katherine Monro. Himself became cadet in 1771 and 1773 joined the Bengal Infantry. He was Persian Interpreter to General Stibbert, the Commander in Chief in Bengal…

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KIRKPATRICK,William MacColin. 10.12.18?78 — 3.12.1953. British Politician. In the beginning of century served in I.C.S. (in 1923 already in England). In 1931-36 M.P. for Preston in the U.K. (Conservative). Then representative to China of the Export Credits Guarantee Department. Publications: Several articles on the language and folklore of the Gebaras…

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KIRFEL, Willibald

KIRFEL, Willibald. Reifferscheid, Eifel 29.1.1885 — Bad Godesberg 16.10. 1964. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn. Son of Johann K., teacher in elementary school, and Anna Maria Huy. In 1904-08 studies of Oriental languages and Catholic theology at Bonn. Ph.D. 1908 Bonn (Jacobi). In 1911-21 Librarian in Bonn university library. From…

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KIRCHER, Athanasius

KIRCHER, Athanasius. Geisa near Fulda 2.5.1602 — Rome 27.11.1680. Father. S.J. German Polyhistor and Oriental Scholar, a Pioneer of Coptology, a Precursor of Egyptology, a Sinologist, etc. Son of Johann K., Doctor of Divinity and teacher of Benedictines. Novice of S.J. 1618 in Paderborn, took his first vows 1620. In…

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KINGSMILL, Thomas William. Dublin 8.1.1837 — Shanghai 26.7.1910. British civil engineer (architect) and geologist, from end 1862 until his death in Shanghai. Son of Henry K. and Sarah Stone. “Was chiefly engaged in exploration and surveying work in China, especially geological work.” Active member of the North China Branch of…

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KING, Winston L.

KING, Winston Lee. Avilla, Ind. 30.8.1907 — Madison, Wisc. 15.2.1975. U.S. Scholar of Com­parative Religion. Methodist priest. Born in a farm, son of Alfred Hiram K. and Alberta Bodenhafer. Educated at Ashburry College (A.B. 1929), Andover Newton Theological Seminar (B.D. 1936) and Harvard (S.M.T. 1938). Ph.D. 1940 Harvard. After four…

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KING, Leonard William

KING, Leonard William. London 8.12.1869 — 20.8.1919. British Archaeologist and Assyriologist. Professor in London. Son of Robert King (d. 1886) and Mary Scarborough, educated at Rugby and King’s College, Cambridge (B.A. 1891, M.A. 1895, D.litt. 1914). From 1892 in British Museum, working under Wallis Budge, from 1913 Assistant Keeper of…

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KING, James Stewart.

KING, James Stewart. County Wexford, Ireland 15.5.1848 — Hampshire 1910. British (Irish?) Colonial Officer and Persian Scholar in India. Son of Rev. Robert Belsham King and Harriette Brunker, educated at Fairfield, Wexford, Dublin University, and R.M.C. Sandhurst. In 1868 joined Indian army, from 1874 in Bombay Staff Corps. In 1877-78…

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