MŽIK, Hans von

MŽIK, Hans von. Rzeszów, Galicia (now in Poland) 24.7.1876 — Vienna 4.3.1961. Austrian Historian of Geography. PD 1917 Vienna “für historische Geographie des Orients”. Ao. Professor 1929, from 1935 also taught Armenian. From 1921 also head of the map collection of Austrian National Library. Married Paula Horschlitz (1891–1961), one daughter.…

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MURRAY, Donald S.

MURRAY, Donald Shipley. 1916 — 1990. U.S. Statistician apparently interested in South Asia. Studied economics: B.S., 1937; A.M., 1944; Ph. D., 1944 University of Pennsylvania. Professor of Statistics at University of Pennsylvania, emeritus 1980. In 1977-80 Assistant Chairman of Department of South Asia Regional Studies. Publications: ??? Sources: Not in…

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MOZAC (Mosac), Antoine

MOZAC (Mosac), Antoine. Clermont 17.12.1704 — Pondichéry 4.12.1779. S.J. French Missionary in India. Entered S.J. in 1720, came to India 1735. First in south, from 1742 and still 1764 Superior of Bengal Mission in Chandernagor, then in 1775-77 Superior of Pondichéry Mission. In 1756 met Anquetil-Duperron. Besse (referring to *Sommervogel…

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MOSKALEV, Vladimir Sergeevič

MOSKALEV, Vladimir Sergeevič. Lugansk (Luhansk in Ukraine) 15/28.7.1906 — 14.7.1982. Russian (Ukrainian?) Indologist, specialist of Urdu. Son of an official, graduated 1934 from Oriental Institute in Moscow. Kand. filo. nauk 1953, Docent 1955. In 1937-39 Head of Near Eastern section at Oriental Institute, in 1940-53 in Red Army, in 1953-56…

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MORRO, Felice

MORRO, Felice. 18?? — 1???. Italian. interested in Sanskrit, fl. in the 1870s. Publications: Vālmīki. Tre capitoli dell’ Araṇyakāṇḍa o e 3° libro del Rāmāyaṇa, tradotti. 30 p. Schenone (Genoa) 1874. Sources: Title only in Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911; nothing in Internet.

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MORRIS, Richard

MORRIS, Richard. Bermondsey, London 8.9.1833 — Harold Wood, Essex 12.5.1894. British Philologist, Scholar of Early English and Pāli. Born in a family of Welsh origin, attended Battersea Training College. He never studied in a university and was mainly self-taught. In 1871 ordained and obtained a curacy in Southwark. From 1875-88…

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MORRIS, Henry. 22.4.1829 — 1912. British Civil Servant and Historian in India. Son of —> John Carnac M. “Educated at Rugby and Haileybury, 1846-48. In India, 1848-75, in the Madras C.S., rose to be Judge of Godavery. Was for years Inspector of Schools.” Retired in 1875. Publications: The history of…

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MORLEY, William Hook

MORLEY, William Hook. 1815 — London 21.5.1860. British Oriental Scholar. Son of George M., a lawyer. “Educated for the legal profession, called to the bar in 1840. A notable Oriental scholar, well versed in Arabic and Persian literature. Member of the R.A.S. from 1847, Librarian to the Society from 1859.”…

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MORLEY, Grace L. McCann

MORLEY, Grace Louise McCann. Berkeley, CAL 3.11.1900 — New Delhi 8.1.1985. U.S. Art Historian and Museologist. Educated at St.Helena, Napa county. Studies of French literature at University of California, Berkeley (B.A. 1923, M.A. 1924) and Paris. Ph.D. 1926 Paris (Sorbonne). In 1927-30 Instructor of French and European Art at Goucher…

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MOORE, Robert Ripley

MOORE, Robert Ripley. Guinea, West Africa 9.4.1933 — Mussoorie Hills 25.5.1966. U.S. South Asian Linguist. Son of missionary parents. B.A. 1956 in history and philosophy at Bethel College, St. Paul, Minnesota. M.A. and Ph.D. 1965 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, soon Assistant Professor of Indo-Aryan Linguistics in the Department of…

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