ORANSKIJ, Iosif Mihajlovič

ORANSKIJ, Iosif Mihajlovič. Petrograd 24.4./3.5.1923 — Leningrad 16.5.1977. Russian Iranian Scholar. Son of pharmacist Mihail L’vovič O. and his wife Berta Iosifovna. In 1941-45 in the army, wounded. Graduated 1948 from Leningrad, student of Frejman. Kand. filol. nauk 1951, Docent 1953, Dr. 1967, Professor 1973. In 1948-51 taught at Leningrad…

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OPPERT, Jules (Julius O.)

OPPERT, Jules (Julius O.). Hamburg 9.7.1825 — Paris 20/21.8.1905. German Assyriologist in France (naturalised 1854), originally also interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Paris. Son of Eduard Oppert (until 1812 Oppenheimer, 1792–1874) and Henriette Gans (1800–1875), brother of —> Gustav Oppert (1836–1908) and ErnstJacob Oppert (1832–1903, merchant in Shanghai). Educated at…

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ONDAATJE, Matthew Jurgen

ONDAATJE, Matthew Jurgen. 1??? — 1???. Rev. Dutch Priest in Ceylon and Batavia in the 18th century. Proponent of Colombo, alter clergyman in Batavia. Published Christian works in Sinhalese in the 1780s. There was another, Rev. W. J. Ondaatje, V.D.M., who was Rector of Government Seminary in Colombo around 1770.…

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OMAN, John Campbell

OMAN, John Campbell. Calcutta 1841 — 31.5.1911. British Indologist and Scholar of Religion in India. Son of the elder John Campbell Oman, a planter, and Maria Eweler. In 1866-77 in Indian Public Works Department. In 1877-97 Professor at Government College in Lahore, then retired. In 1898-99 Principal of Khalsa College…

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OLTRAMARE, Jean Paul Gamaliel. Geneva 6.4.1854 — Geneva 22.10.1930. Swiss Indologist and Scholar of Religion. Professor in Geneva. Son of André O. (1822–1896), the Professor of Latin at Geneva University, of an old Genevan family, and and Jeanne Louise Adrienne Fournier. Studies of sciences and humanities at Geneva in 1872-75…

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OLSHAUSEN, Justus. Hohenfelde, Holstein 9.5.1800 — Berlin 28.12.1882. German Oriental Scholar and Theologian. Professor in Kiel and Königsberg. Son of Rev. (later Superintendent) Detlev Olshausen (1766–1823) and Ida Hoyer (1771–1804), younger brother of theologian Hermann Olshausen (1796–1839). After school in Eutin and Glückstadt, studied in 1816-19 at Kiel and 1819-20…

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OLSCHAK, Blanche Christine

OLSCHAK, Blanche Christine. Vienna 24.7.1913 — Zürich 25.6.1989. Austrian Journalist and Tibetan Scholar in Switzerland. Daughter of Joseph Olschak, an officer (General-Major), and Lilly Helene Bücheler. Studied Political Science at Graz (Ph.D. 1937), then Tibetan and Buddhism, a follower of A. David-Neel. From 1946 living in Zürich (after her husband…

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OLMSTEAD, Albert Ten Eyck. Troy, NY 23.3.1880 — Chicago 11.4.1945. U.S. Oriental Scholar (Assyriologist and Historian). Professor in Chicago. Son of Charles Olmstead and Ella Blanchard. Studies at Cornell University (A.B. 1902, A.M. 1903, Ph.D. 1906). In 1904-05 Fellow in American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem, 1906-07 in American…

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OLLIVIER-BEAUREGARD, Gratien-Michel. Cognac (Charente) 3.6.1817 — Paris 14.1.1901. French Anthropologist, Egyptologist and Oriental Scholar. Worked as lawyer in Paris. In the 1890s President of the French Anthropological Society. Publications: Kachemir et Tibet. Étude d’ethnographie ancienne et moderne. 144 p. P. 1883 (also as an article in Bulletins et Mémoires de la…

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OLIVEIRA, João de. Daman 1595 — after 1641. Father. S.J. Portuguese (or Indian?) Priest and Missionary in Ladakh and India. Joined Jesuits when 17 and from 1626 in Mughal Mission. Until 1831 stayed in Tsaparang, then went with Azevedo to Leh and soon returned to Agra. Publications: A few letters.…

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