PEPPE, William G.

PEPPE, William George. Aberdeen 19.4.1822 — on Red Sea 19.7.1889. British (Scottish) Businessman in India, interested in Archaeology. Son of George Peppe (born Peape, 1785–1837) and Janet Thomson, brother of —> Th. F. Peppe. Studied engineering at Aberdeen. In 1843 went to India with his brother George (1820–1864) to erect…

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PEPPE, Thomas Frazer

PEPPE, Thomas Frazer. Scotland 1826/33 (not 1839/44) — Ranchi, India 4.6.1907. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India, interested in Archaeology and Photography. Son of George Peppe (1785–1837, as he died in 1837, the birth years 1839 and 1844 are impossible) and Janet Thomson, brother of —> William G. Peppe. In…

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PENZL, Herbert

PENZL, Herbert. Neufelden, Oberösterreich 2.9.1910 — Oakland 1.9.1995. Austrian Linguist in the U.S.A., naturalised 1944. Professor in Berkeley. Born into an academic family. After gymnasium in Ottakring (Vienna) studied English philology at Vienna. With a scholarship (recommended by S. Freud) went to the U.S.A. and was in 1932-34 Editorial Assistant…

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PELLIOT, Paul. Paris 28.5.1878 — Paris 26.10.1945. French Sinologist and Central Asian Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of merchant Charles Théodore P. and Marie Renault, educated in Paris. Studied in Paris for diplomatic career, but soon turned to Indology and Sinology under Lévi, Chavannes and Cordier. In 1900 joined the…

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PEARSON, James (Jim) Douglas

PEARSON, James (Jim) Douglas. Cambridge ?.12.1911 — Cambridge 1.8.1997. British Librarian, Specialist of Asian Books. Of humble origins, grew up in Cambridge and was employed from the age of 16 as bookfetcher in the University Library there. He developed a taste for “exotic languages” and won a scholarship for Hebrew…

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PAYNE, Ernest A.

PAYNE, Ernest Alexander. Upper Clapton, London 16.2.1902 — 14.1.1980. British Missionary and Baptist Leader. Son of Alexander W. Payne and Mary C. Griffiths. Studied at King’s College, London (B.A. 1921). Intending to become missionary he then studied at Regent’s Park College (1922-25), Mansfield College of Oxford (B.D. 1927, M.A. 1944)…

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PAX, Elpidius

PAX, Elpidius (born Wolfgang Pax). Breslau 22.4.1912 — Lippstadt, Kr. Soest 14.4.1993. German Linguist and Catholic Theologian. Son of Ferdinand Albert Pax (1885–1964), a marine biologist, and Marie Serbin (Wikipedia names her as Elisabeth Nohr). Studied classics, comparative linguistics, archaeology and philosophy at Breslau, especially under Havers and Strauss. Ph.D.…

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PAULY, Else Margarete (née Christiansen). Holbæk, Zealand 23.2.1918 — 26.8.2000. Danish Indologist. Daughter of Axel William Christiansen (1888-1964), an accountant, and Valborg Vilhelmine Wael (1879-1949). Matriculated 1938, then studied English, French, Classics and Comparative Linguistics (L. Hjelmslev) at Copenhagen. In 1945 married and had three children (born 1946-49). With marriage…

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PAULI, Carl Eugen. Barth, Vorpommern 14.10.1839 — Lugano, Switzerland 7.8.1901. German IE Scholar and Etruscologist. Son of Carl P. and Henrica Roepke. Matriculated from Putbus, studies at Erlangen and Greifswald. Ph.D. 1862 Greifswald. Worked as schoolteacher in Stettin, from 1867 Lauenburg/Pommern, 1860 Hannoversch-Münden, 1873 Hannover and 1876-83 as Rector in…

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PASTOR RODRÍGUEZ, Julián de. 18?? — 1???. Spanish Lawyer and Historian. Doctor en Derecho. In Sanskrit autodidact, taught it at the University of Zaragoza in 1869-70, later worked as notary in Madrid (still 1896). Publications: Wrote on Spanish history. Sources: Alvarez 54f.

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