THOMMEN, Eduard. Basel 3.1.1880 — Basel 25.7.1961. Swiss Botanist, former Student of Indology. Studied at Basel (Wackernagel), already then also interested in botany. Ph.D. 1903 Göttingen (Wackernagel). Worked as stenograph in Switzerland, in retirement (1943) concentrated on botanical field survey. Knew many languages. Publications: Diss. Die Wortstellung im nachvedischen Altindischen…

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THOMAS, Frederick William

THOMAS, Frederick William. Wilnecote, Tamworth, Staffordshire 21.3.1867 — Branburg, Oxfordshire 6.5.1956. British Indologist. Professor in Oxford. Son of coal mine clerk Frederick Thomas (1834–1890) and Frances Blayney, educated at King Edward’s School in Birmigham. Studied at Cambridge classics and Indology (under Cowell), graduated B.A. 1885. From 1892 Fellow of Trinity…

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THOMAS, Edward Joseph

THOMAS, Edward Joseph. Thornhill, West Yorkshire 30.7.1869 — Cambridge (?)11.2.1958. British Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Librarian in Cambridge. Son of a gardener, he left school when 14 and worked himself as a gardener for 12 years, enjoying his time among flowers despite his colour-blindness and using his free time in…

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THOMAS, Edward

THOMAS, Edward. 31.12.1813 — Kensington (London) 10.2.1886. British Civil Servant and Indologist in India. Son of Honoratus Leigh Thomas, a Welsh surgeon, and his wife, née Cruikshank. Educated at Haileybury. In 1832 joined the Bengal Civil Service as a writer. Worked as judge in Delhi, soon Superintending Judge of Saugor…

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THIESSEN, Jakob Heinrich. Hemme/Kr. Norder-Dithmarschen, Schleswig-Holstein 28.7.1854 — 1???. German Student of Indology. Son of a farmer, after primary school in home region attended Gymnasium in Altona in 1871-75. In 1875-80 studied at Kiel modern languages, Germanistics and especially Sanskrit and Pāli under Pischel. Ph.D. 1880 Kiel. His brief dissertation…

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THIBAUT, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm (George Frederick Willim Thibaut). Heidelberg 20.3.1848 — Berlin-Lichterfelde 16.10.1914. German Indologist in India. Professor in Calcutta. Son of Carl Thibaut (1807–1881), the librarian of Heidelberg University, and grandson of the famous lawyer Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut (1772–1840). After school in Heidelberg studied at Heidelberg (Holtzmann) and…

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THÉVENOT, Jean de. Paris 16.6.1633 — Mianeh (Miana), Persia 28.11.1667. French Traveller in Persia and India. Nephew of the travel writer Melchisédek Thévenot (1620–1692), librarian and Oriental scholar. Educated at Collège de Navarre, studies at Paris. With paternal inheritance made first several travels in Europe (1652-55), Levant (1655-59) and Persia…

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THEOTÓKÊS, Kônstantînos

THEOTÓKÊS, Kônstantînos (Kostas Theotokis; Κωνσταντῖνος Θεοτόκης). Corfu 13.3. 1872 — Corfu 1.7.1923. Greek Author interested in Sanskrit. Born in an aristocratic family. After school in Corfu studied three years in Paris languages (including Sanskrit), medicine, chemistry, mathematics and philosophy. Then lived in Corfu and became well known as an author…

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THEOBALD, William. Marylebone, London 1829 — Ilfracombe, Devon 31.3.1908. British Naturalist in India. Son of the elder William Theobald and Anna Bishop, early years unclear. He arrived at Calcutta in 1847, worked in a coal company and became acquainted with Joseph Hooker. He joined the Geological Survey of India and…

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TEZA, Emilio

TEZA, Emilio. Venice 14.9.1831 — Padua 28.3./30.4.1912. Italian Indologist. Pro­fes­sor in Pisa and Padua. Studies at Padova, then at Vienna Greek, Slavistics and Hungarian, also Sanskrit under Boller. Back in Italy worked as librarian in Marciana (Venice) and Laurenziana (Florence). In 1860-66 Professore di letterature moderne comparate at Bologna (taught…

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