Category: U
USBORNE, Charles Frederick
USBORNE, Charles Frederick. London 18.2.1874 — 6.11.1919. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Thomas Usborne (1838–1898), a businessman, and Agnes Elizabeth Gibbs. Studies at Balliol College, Oxford. Rejected by army because of his modest height he joined I.C.S. in 1898. Finally Deputy Commissioner of Hissar (Haryana). He suffered of…
UPJOHN, Aaron. 17?? — 1???. British Printer in India. Arrived at Calcutta in 1785 as ship’s musician (bassoon player). There he became printer and part owner of the Calcutta Chronicle. Bankrupt in 1792. He printedthe very first Bengali–English dictionary ever published in his own name, but it is claimed that the real…
UHTOMSKIJ, Esper Esperovič,
UHTOMSKIJ, Esper Esperovič, Prince. Oranienbaum (now Lomonosov) 26.8.1861 — Detskoe Selo 26.11.1921. Russian Scholar, Collector, Traveller, Political Thinker, Entrepreneur and Publisher. Son of Esper Alekseevič U. (d. 1885), a naval officer, of ancient boyar family, and Evgenija Alekseevna Greig (1835–1870). Studies of philosophy and Slavonic at St.Petersburg, graduated 1884. Entered…
UHLIK, Rade (born as Aladar Uhlik). Sarajevo 1.2.1899 — Sarajevo 12.6.1991. Yugoslavian Linguist and Gipsy Scholar. Born in a Lutheran family, grew up in Vienna, Budapest and and Belgrade. Studied Germanistics at Belgrade and worked as schoolteacher, then as translator at Tanjug. Later custos in Bosnia-Hercegovina Museum in Sarajevo. He…
URAY, Géza
URAY, Géza. Budapest 16.8.1921 — Vienna 17.7.1991. Hungarian Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Budapest. Reluctantly following his father’s wish he enrolled the Military Academy in 1939, but in 1940 moved to university. First studied law, from 1942 Tibetan under Ligeti. In 1944 forced to take military service. In 1947 continued his…
UPHAM, Edward
UPHAM, Edward. Exeter 1776 — Bath 25.8.1834. British Bookdealer and Orientalist. Born in Exeter, where his father Charles Upham was later (1796) the mayor. Himself worked as bookseller in Exeter, in 1807 became its sheriff and 1809 mayor. After earlyretirement lived in Dawlish (Devon) and Bath. Married 1801 Mary Hoblyn…
UNKRIG, Wilhelm Alexander
UNKRIG, Wilhelm Alexander. Köslin, Pomerania (now Koszalin in Poland) 1883 — Traisa near Darmstadt 24.6.1956. German Mongolian and Lamaist Scholar. Son of a crofter. From 1908 he was trained for missionary work among the Mongols at Religious Academy in Kazan and in 1912 became Russian Orthodox priest. The World War…
ÚJFALVY, Charles-Eugène (Károly Jenő)
ÚJFALVY DE MEZŐ-KÖVESD, Charles-Eugène (Mezőkövesdi Újfalvy Károly Jenő). Vienna 18.5.1842 — Florence 31.1.1904. Hungarian Traveller and Anthropologist of Central Asia living in France. Born in an aristocratic family, son of cavalry officer Samuel de Újfalvy and Theresa Huszár. Grew up in the family estate in Transylvania. Educated at Military Academy…
UHLIG, Helmut
UHLIG, Helmut. Chemnitz 18.5.1922 — Rotenburg an der Wümme 24.2.1997. German Teacher and Author interested in Buddhist Studies. Son of post official Georg Uhlig and his wife Olga, a leftist family highly critical towards Nazis. Matriculated in 1942, then in army, but was wounded in Balkan and could begin the…