SASSETTI, Filippo. Florence 26/28.9.1540 — Goa 3.9.1588. Italian Traveller. Son of a wealthy merchant, he studied at Pisa 1568-73 and thus knew Latin and Greek. In 1578 he went to Spain and Portugal and then 1583 to India as the agent of a Florentine spice syndicate. On way to India…

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ROE, Thomas

ROE, Thomas. Low Leyton near Wanstead in Essex 1580/81 — Bath 6.11.1644. Sir. British Diplomat in India. Son of Sir Robert Rowe and Elinor Jermy, lost early his father. After early studies at Oxford (Magdalen College) he became esquire of the body to Queen Elizabeth I and was knighted by…

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TERRY, Edward

TERRY, Edward. Leigh near Penshurst, Kent 1590 — Great Greenford, Ealing (London) 8.10.1660. Rev. British Traveller in India. Probably of a well-to-do family. After school in Rochester studied from 1608 at Oxford (Christ Church): B.A. 1611, M.A. and ordination 1614. In 1616 he sailed to India as ship’s chaplain and…

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TEIXEIRA, Pedro. 15?? — after 1610. Portuguese Traveller. Born in a Portuguese Jewish family, probably in Lisbon, but without Jewish education. Of his life, little is know beyond the meagre information in his book. Even his profession is unknown, Fleming thinks that perhaps he was physician. He spent a long…

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PYRARD DE LAVAL, François. Laval c. 1578 — Paris c. 1623. French Traveller in Maldives and India. Son of a trader. In May 1601 he sailed on Corbin one of the two ships equiped by the merchants of St.Malo, Laval and Vitré in order to compete with the Dutch E.I.C. in…

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PIMENTA, Nicolaus

PIMENTA, Nicolaus. Santarém 6.12.1548 (1546?) — Goa 1614. S.J. Portuguese Missionary in India. Joined Jesuits 1562. As Jesuit Visitor in India in December 1597 left Goa for Cochin, St. Thome and Bengal. His letters contain some interesting information about the princes of Kerala and Tamilnadu. Publications: A few letters sent…

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PEREIRA, Jacinto

PEREIRA, Jacinto (Hyacinth). Malaga 1598 — Bajaim 23.11.1657. S.J. Portuguese Priest in India. Director of Goan Seminar and parish priest of Benaulim. Publications: Annuas literas ex Malabaria anni 1621. Sources: Jöcher 3; in Internet often mentioned as baptizng St. Joseph Vaz in Benaulim in 1651, but nothing beyond this.

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PAES, Domingo

PAES (Pais), Domingo. 14?? — 15??. Portuguese Merchant in India. In a group of merchants from Goa he went to Vijayanagara c. 1520 and then wrote his account, characterized by reliable and exact observations and including important information about the Hindu state. The manuscript came to Portugal and was used…

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VARTHEMA, Ludovico di

VARTHEMA, Ludovico di  (Barthema, Vertomannus). Bologna 1470? — Rome before June 1517. Italian Traveller in India. Claiming to have started his travels only in order to win fame he left Italy late in 1502 and travelled on the route Venice–Cairo–Beyrout–Damas–Mecca (the first known non-Muslim there), using Muslim robe (under the…

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XAVIER, Jerónimo

XAVIER, Jerónimo (J. Javier, Hieronymus Xaverius, Jerónimo de Ezpeleta y Goñi). Buro, Diocese of Pamplona, Navarra 1549 — Goa 27.6.1617. Father. S.J. Spanish Missionary in India. Grand-nephew of —> Francisco X., son of Miguel de Ezpeleta y Azpilcueta and Leonor Goñiy de la Torre. Joined S.J. in Alcalá in 1568,…

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