SCHLEGEL, Gustaaf. Oegstgeest near Leiden 30.9.1840 — Leiden 15.10.1903. Dutch Sinologist. Son of museum director Hermann Schlegel (1804–1884), a German zoologist who had moved to the Netherlands in 1827, and Cornelia Buddingh. Gymnasium in Leiden. After early studies of Chinese at hole he went in 1857 to China in order…

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SCHLAGINHAUFEN, Otto. St.Gallen 8.11.1879 — Kilchberg, Canton Zürich 14.11.1973. Swiss Anthropologist and Eugenicist. Son of merchant Daniel Otto Schl. and Emma Baumann, gymnasium in Bern. In 1899-1904 studied anthropology at Zürich. Ph.D. 1905. In 1906-11 worked as anthropologist in Dresden Museum of Zoology and Anthropology. In 1907-10 fieldwork in the…

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SARASIN, Paul Benedict. Basel 11.12.1856 — Basel 7.4.1929. Swiss Naturalist and Ethnologist. Son of politician Karl Sarasin (1815–1886) and Elisabeth Sauvain, a wealthy family, second cousin of —> Fritz Sarasin, with whom he then had a lifelong friendship. Together they studied zoology at Würzburg. Ph.D. 1882. In 1883-86 they made zoological…

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SARASIN, Fritz (Karl Friedrich). Basel 3.12.1859 — Lugano 23.3.1942.Swiss Naturalist. Son of cotton factory owner and politician Felix Sarasin (1797–1862) and Rosalia Brunner, second cousin of —> Paul Sarasin, with whom he then had a lifelong friendship. Studied natural sciences at Geneva and Basel, where he met his cousin. Together they…

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RYBOT, Norman Victor Lacey. Jersey 7.1.1874 — Jersey 18.5.1961. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Colonel G. O. Rybot of Bengal Artillery and Victoria Baker. Joined Indian army in 1897, posted in the Punjab. In 1903-04 participated as Lieutenant in Younghusband’s expedition to Lhasa. In WW I in Suez Canal defence…

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ROYEN, Gerlach

ROYEN, Gerlach (born Nicolaus Jacobus Hubertus Royen). Valkenburg, Limburg 18.10.1880 — Utrecht 4.2.1955. O.F.M. Father. Dutch Linguist. Educated in Sittard, joined O.F.M. 1898, ordained priest 1905. In 1905-11 gymnasium teacher in Venray, 1911-14 and 1920-22 studied comparative linguistics at Leiden. Ph.D. 1926 Leiden, under Uhlenbeck (being his last student). From 1932…

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ROUSSEAU, Pierre (pseudonym Pierre Vellones). Paris 29.3.1889 — Paris 17.7.1939. French Composer and Painter. Educated at Collège Stanislas. Studied medicine, from 1914 in the army. After 1926 seriously ill. He was rather noted composer with wide production of different genres (including the ballet Le Paradis d’Amitabha 1938). Publications: “L’art du Tibet:”, RAA 4, 1927, 21-39 (les…

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ROSSILLON, Pierre. La Brolle (Savoie) 22.9.1874 — Visakhapatnam 22.3.1947. S.F.S. Catholic Missionary in India. In 1898 ordained priest of Missionariesof St. Francis de Sales d’Annecy and sent to India. Worked in Visakhapatnam (Vizagapatam). From 1919 Titular Bishop of Epiphania in Cilicia, 1926-47 Bishop of Visakhapatnam. Publications: “Moeurs et Coutumes du peuple Kui,…

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ROSSET, Carl Wilhelm

ROSSET, Carl Wilhelm. Freiburg i. Br. 24.4.1851 — Duderstadt 18.6.1923. German Merchant, Adventurer and Collector. In 1874-76 travelled in Africa, in 1881 in the Near East. In 1881 also participated in Riebeck expedition to Socotra, 1884 to Ceylon. In 1885 he spent two months in the Maldives, stayed in Malé…

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ROEPSTORFF, Frederik Adolph de

ROEPSTORFF, Frederik Adolph de. on sea 25.3.1842 — Kamorte, Nicobars 24.10.1883.Danish Scholar and Missionary. Son of sea captain Adolph de Roepstorff and Charlotte Georgiana Holmes (née Farley), baptized in Cape Town, which gave him English citizenship. Studied at Copenhagen (cand.phil.) and at Horsens Statsskole, graduated 1863. In 1867 went to…

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