GARBACZ, Stephanie K.

GARBACZ, Stephanie Klosinski. Oil City, Venango PA 23.9.1922 — Alexandria VA 3.7.2003. U.S. IE Linguist. Married with Colonel Joseph F. Garbacz (1916–2013) of U.S. Army she lived in many places in and outside U.S.A., had two sons and began late the serious study. Ph.D. 1979 Georgetown University. Then taught Russian…

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GALTON, Herbert

GALTON, Herbert (until 1947 H. Goldstaub). Vienna 1.10.1917 — Vienna 9.12.2004. Austrian Linguist in the U.K. and U.S.A. Born of Polish Jewish parents from Lemberg (L’viv). School and from 1935 studies at Vienna (Slavic under Trubetzkoy, also Sanskrit under Geiger). In 1938 escaped to the Netherlands, then 1939 to U.K. Soon…

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ERHART, Adolf. Náměšt’ nad Oslarov, okr. Třebíč 31.5.1926 — Brno 11.8.2003. Czech IE Lin­guist. In 1945-49 studies at Brno (under Machek), then worked as a teacher. In 1965 Machek’s Assistant, from 1988 Professor at Brno, retired 1993. Married Olga Erhartová (1950–2019), a Romanist. Scholar of IE linguistics in the tradition…

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DEROY, Louis

DEROY, Louis. Feche-Slins, prov. Liège 15.2.1921 — 2003. Belgian Linguist (Sanskrit and Greek). Studies at Louvain and Paris. Dr. en philosophie et lettres (classical philology) 1946, Licencié en histoire et litteratures orientales (Indology) also in 1946. At University of Liège: 1848 Assistant, 1956 chef de travaux, 1960 agrégé, 1961 maître…

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DAY, Terence P.

DAY, Terence Patrick. 1930 — 2003. British or Canadian Indologist. Professor of Religion at University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Publications:Indian Ideas of Punishment in the Light of Recent Western Discussions. 1000 p. L. 1966 (King’s College, perhaps a diss.). – The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature. 4+328 p.…

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DAFFINÀ, Paolo. Rome 26.6.1929 — 23.11.2004. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Studies in Rome under Tucci and Petech. Ph.D. 1953 Rome. In 1954-55 and 1955-56 further studies at Nagpur and Poona (under Gokhale) in India. From 1959 Assistant, 1965 PD and 1967 Professor incaricato of East Asian History in Rome,…

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CUTLER, Norman

CUTLER, Norman. Silver Spring Md. 10.5.1949 — 26.2.2002. U.S. Indologist (Tamil Scholar). Educated at University of Michigan (A.B.), University of Washing­ton (M.A.) and University of Chicago (Ph.D. under A. K. Ramanujan). In the middle of the 1980s Assistant Professor at Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago, then…

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COLETTI, Alessandro

COLETTI, Alessandro. Trieste 1928 — Rome 1985 Italian Linguist. Studied law at Bologna. As teacher in Italian school in Egypt learned Arabian. In 1973-74 in Italian Intitute in Teheran, in 1975 visited Afghanistan and Pakistan. Professor. Married Hanne Grünbaum (of Denmark, d. 1988). Publications: Grammatica della lingua persiana; con esercizi,…

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COHN, Bernard S.

COHN, Bernard Samuel. Brooklyn, N.Y. 13.5.1928 — Chicago 25.11.2003. U.S. Anthropologist. Graduated from University of Wisconsin (B.A. 1949) and Cornell University (Ph.D. 1954). In 1956-60 Research Assistant at University of Chicago, field-work in India 1957-59. In 1960-64 Associate Professor of Anthropology at Rochester University, from 1964 Professor of Anthropology and…

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CHEN (Ch’en), Kenneth K. S.

CHEN (Ch’en), Kenneth Kuan-Sheng. Honolulu 20.9.1907 — 25.4.1993. U.S. Indologist (Buddhist scholar). Son of Hua-hsiu Ch’en and Chu See. Studies at University of Hawaii (A.B. 1931), at Harvard-Yenching University in Peking (M.A. 1934), at University of California (in 1940-41), and at Harvard (Ph.D. 1946 in Buddhism and Indology, under Ingalls). In…

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