BARBOUR, Philip Lemont.

BARBOUR, Philip Lemont. Louisville, Kentucky 21.12.1898 — Petersburg, Virginia 21.12.1980. U.S. Linguist, Historian and Radio Broadcaster. Son of Philip Foster B., a physician, and Jessie A. Lemont. In 1910 moved with his divorced mother ans sisters to New York. Studies of history and languages at Columbia and Cornell Universities, but…

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VOROB’EV-DESJATOVSKIJ, Vladimir Svjatoslavovič

VOROB’EV-DESJATOVSKIJ, Vladimir Svjatoslavovič. Tver 3.10.1927 — Leningrad 2.7.1956. Russian Indologist. Son of an official. After the 9th school class joined the army and served in 1944-45 in Romania, Hungary and Czecho­slovakia. Disbanded in 1945 he concluded his school education and studied at the Oriental Faculty of Leningrad University Indology (specially…

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VOGT, Hans Kamstrup

VOGT, Hans Kamstrup. Fredrikstad, Østfold, Norway 1.6.1903 — Oslo 25.9.1986. Norwegian Linguist. Professor in Oslo. Son of Nils Anton Vogt, a medical officer, and Jenny Sofie Kamstrup. Educated at Lycée Corneille in Rouen, studies at the universities of Paris and Oslo. Graduated in classics at Oslo in 1928, also studied…

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LORIMER, David Lockhart Robertson. Dundee 24.12.1876 — Hatfield, Hertfordshire 25.2.1962. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer, Linguist and Indo-Iranian Scholar. Lieutenant-colonel. Son of Rev. Robert L. (1840–1925) and Isabella Lockhart Robinson (1849–1931), brother of —> J.G.L., —> F.M.G.L., Emilia H.L.L.,also of  Elizabeth Hilda Lockhart L. (1873–1954) and William Laughten L. (1885–1967), both…

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BOUDA, Karl Ernst. Hamburg 10.2.1901 — Erlangen or Nürnberg (?) 31.7.1979. German Linguist and Caucasologist. Son of Karl Enoch Bouda and Karolina Völcker. PD 1936 Berlin. From 1942 pl. ao. (ord. 1950) Professor at Erlangen, until 1954. Later living in Nürnberg. Bouda was a many-sided linguist, who worked on Caucasian,…

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BORGSTRØM, Carl Hjalmar

BORGSTRØM, Carl Hjalmar. Kristiania (Oslo) 12.10.1909 — Oslo 14.9.1986. Norwegian Celtic and IE Linguist. Professor in Oslo. Son of Hjalmar B., a composer, and Harriet Müller. From 1928 studies of Celtic and comparative IE at Oslo. M.A. 1936 Oslo. In 1932-35 Lecturer in Comparative Philology at Trinity College in Dublin.…

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BLEICHSTEINER, Robert. Vienna 6.1.1891 — Vienna 10.4.1954. Austrian Linguist, Scholar of Iranian and Caucasian Languages and Ethnology, later also of Mongolian and Tibetan.  Son of Josef Ludwig Bl. School and studies in Vienna. Ph.D. 1913 Vienna, then worked in a library. From 1922 PD for Caucasian Linguistics there, tit. ao.…

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