KLICH, Edward

KLICH, Edward. Skalat (now in Ukraina) 2.2.1878 — Poznań 1.12.1939. Polish Linguist, Specialist of Slavic and Gipsy Languages. Student of Rozwadowski at Cracow. From 1929 Professor at Poznań. Killed by Nazis. Publications: Wrote on Slavic linguistics (Polish and Belarus). – “Wpływy języka polskiego na dialekty Cyganów polskich”, Prace polonist. ofiar. prof. Janowi…

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IRVINE, Francis

IRVINE, Francis. Drumoak, Aberdeenshire 8.2.1786 — Edinburgh 16.12.1855. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Son of Alexander I. and Jean Forbes, mother died soon after his birth. Joined army as cadet in 1804 and left for India. Served in Bengal Native Infantry, resigned as Captain in 1824. Already 1820 moved…

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IVERSEN, Ragnvald

IVERSEN, Ragnvald. Tromsø 18.1.1882 — Trondheim 21.8.1960. Norwegian Linguist. Son of Anton Christian I., a carpenter, and Emilie Jacobsen. Studies at Kristiania (Oslo), cand.phil. 1910. Worked as teacher inn Arendal and Hønefoss. Ph.D. 1921 (diss. on Norwegian). In 1922-52 Professor of Norwegian at Norges Lærerhøgskole (Teachers’ College) in Trondheim. Married…

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HRKAL, Eduard

HRKAL, Eduard. 18?? — Vienna 11.8.1948. Czech Linguist. Called Professor (1939), probably at the gymnasium of Mariańské Lázně. Active as early as 1895 and 1910 (articles about the French dialect of Picardie). He suggested that Etruscan belongs to the “Turanian division of Ural-Altaic” and apparently invented Turkic etymologies for Etruscan…

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GRAFFUNDER, Alfred. 1801 — 5.7.1875. German Teacher. From 1827 in Erfurt. Educational Inspector (Regierungs-Schulrat, 1835). The Romani book was based on a paper read in 1835 before the Kgl. Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften in Erfurt. Perhaps by the same: A.G. (Alumnen-Inspektor am Königlichen Joachimsthalischen Gymnasium): Ueber Offenbarung: Eine Untersuchung. Berlin 1827.…

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GANANDER, Christfried

GANANDER, Christfried. Haapajärvi (Ostrobothnia) 21.11.1741 — Rantsila (Ostrobothnia) 17.2.1790. Finnish Clergyman, Folklorist and Lexicographer. Son of Rev. Thomas G. (d. 1751) and Helena Hidén. Studies at Turku (magister 1766). Ordained priest 1763. Worked as curate in Vaasa and Laihia. From 1775 until death vicar of Rantsila in Ostrobothnia. Married 1767…

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DECOURDEMANCHE, Jean-Adolphe. Paris 24.3.1844 — Paris 15.10.1916. French Pseudohistorian and Turkish Translator. No details of his life available. Publications: “La légende d’Alexandre chez les musulmans”, RHR 6, 1882, 98-112. – Études sur les racines Arabes, Sanscrites et Turques. 118 p. P. 1898. – Grammaire du Tchingané ou langue des Bohémiens…

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CROFTON, Henry Thomas

CROFTON, Henry Thomas. Preston, Lancashire 23.7.1848 — Berkshire 17.4.1928. British Gipsy Scholar. Born of an Anglo-Irish family, son of General J. F. Crofton and Anne Agnes Addison. Educated at Cheltenham College. Solicitor in Manchester. President of Gypsy Lore Society in 1908-09. Married 1871 Martha Pilling, one son, three daughters. Publications: With…

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CAMPUZANO y GONZÁLEZ, Ramón. 18?? — 1???. Spanish Historian, Lexicographer and Publisher. Still active in 1878. Publications: Orijen, usos y costumbres de los Jitanos, y diccionario de su dialecto. 29+199 p. Madrid 1848 (short introduction and the dictionary), 2nd ed. 1851. – Novisimo diccionario de la lengua castellana. 1-2. 1857;…

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BORROW, George

BORROW, George Henry. East Dereham, Norfolk 5.7.1803 — Lowestoft, Suffolk 26.7.1881. British Author. Son of Thomas B., an army recruiting officer, and Ann Perfrement. Educated in Edinburgh and Norwich, for a while also in Ireland, then studied law, but soon turned to languages and literature. In 1825 first journey to…

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