ENTWISTLE, Alan William. Weymouth, Dorsett 10.3.1949 — Seattle 28.3.1996. British Indologist in the U.S.A. Professor in Seattle. Studies at University of Southampton (B.A. 1971 in French) and S.O.A.S. (M.A. 1975 in Area Studies). In 1976-78 field-work in Vrindaban, India. Ph.D. 1982 S.O.A.S. in Hindi (under J. C. Wright). Taught and…

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ELPHINSTONE, Mountstuart

ELPHINSTONE, Mountstuart. Dumbarton, Scotland 6.10.1779 — Hookwood, Surrey 20.11.1859. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of John, the 11th Baron E., and Anne Ruthven. Educated in Edinburgh and Kensington. From 1795 writer in E.I.C.’s service, was sent to Benares, where he soon learned Persian and Hindi and barely escaped…

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EASTWICK, Edward Backhouse. Warfield, Berkshire 13.3.1814 — Ventnor, Isle of Wight 16.7.1883. British Colonial Officer, Diplomat, Indologist and Oriental Scholar (Urdu and Persian). Son of sea-captain Robert William E. (1772–1865) of Bombay Marine, brother of William Joseph E. (1808–1889) of I.C.S. and Council of India. Educated at Charterhouse and from…

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DYNOWSKA, Wanda (Umādevī). St.Petersburg 30.6.1888 — Mysore 20.3.1971. Polish Theosophist in India. Born in Russia in a family of Polish nobility, daughter of Eustachy Dynowski and Helena Sokołowska. Educated at home. Studied in Cracow and Lausanne. In 1919 adopted theosophy and became in 1921 the general secretary of Polish Theosophical…

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DYMŠIC, Zalman Movševič

DYMŠIC, Zalman Movševič. Janovič near Vitebsk 25.5.1921 — Moscow 6.1.1990. Russian Indologist, specialist of Hindi/Urdu. Born in Belarus, son of an official. In 1940-46 in Red Army, then studies at Moscow. Graduated in 1950. In 1953-54 taught at Oriental Institute in Moscow, from 1954 at Moscow Institute of International Relations.…

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DUPEYTY-TRAHON, Jean-Ferdinand

DUPEYTY-TRAHON, Jean-Ferdinand. Claire-Fontaine (Seine-et-Oise) 30.3.1794 — 1836. French Indologist. Son of an officer, who had served in India under Haidar ‘Ali, became interested in India through his father’s reminiscences. After studies of medicine in Paris became in 1813 the physician of the 150th regiment, but felt unhappy in the army…

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DOWSON, John. Uxbridge near London 1820 — Sandhurst, Buckinghamshire 23.8.1881. British Indologist. Professor in Sandhurst. In the age of 16 came to London to assist his uncle —> Edwin Norris, the secretary of R.A.S. He became soon interested in Oriental languages. He was a self-made scholar, but very able. Tutor…

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DEWHURST, Robert Paget. Clitheroe, Lancashire 21.7.1869 — 27.12.1935. British Civil Servant and Indologist in India. Son of James Dewhurst and Frances Elizabeth. Educated at Clitheroe Grammar School, studies from 1888 at Oxford (Balliol College, M.A.). In 1892 joined the I.C.S., served in North India. Back in Britain (1904?), he was…

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DEVÈZE, Gérard

DEVÈZE, Gérard. Nîmes 5.8.1856 — 19??. French Journalist (?) interested in Sanskrit, Tamil and Urdū. At É.L.O.V. student of Vinson, diplome of Tamil (1885) and of Hindūstānī (1891), also diplome of É.P.H.É. (in Sanskrit?). Editor of Magasin pittoresque in Paris (1917). Publications: “Une légende çivaiste d’après une version de l’Inde…

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CUST, Robert Needham

CUST, Robert Needham. Cockayne Hatley, Bedfordshire 24.2.1821 — Campden Hill, London 28.10.1909. British Indologist. Son of Hon. and Rev. Henry Cckayne Cust (1780–1861), of a noble family (his uncle was Earl Brownlow), and Anna Maria Needham. Educated at Eton, planned first to become a lawyer and began studies at Trinity College,…

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