EMMERICK, Ronald Eric. Sydney 9.3.1937 — Hamburg 31.8.2001. Australian Indologist, Tibetan and Iranian (Khotan Saka) scholar in the U.K. and Germany. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Eric Steward E., a builder, and Myrtle Caroline Smith. After school in Sydney studied in 1955-59 Classics, French and German at Sydney (B.A. 1959,…

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ASMUSSEN, Jes Peter. Aabenraa 2.11.1928 — Copenhagen 5.8.2002. Danish Iranian Scholar, Specialist of Judeo-Persian Literature. Son of engineer Asmus Heinrich A. (d. 1959) and Eline Petersen (d. 1960). Matriculated from Aabenraa in 1948, then studied at Copenhagen University: Cand.Theol. 1954. After amy servoce in Greenland (learned Inuit language) worked in…

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REUTER, Julio Natanael

REUTER, Julio Natanael. Turku 7.1.1863 — Helsinki 9.1.1934. Finnish Indologist. Professor in Helsinki. Son of the school director Edvin Titus Feodor Reuter (1824–1899) and Aline Procopé (1828–1916), brother of the biologists (entomologists) Odo Morannal Reuter (1850–1913) and Enzio Rafael Reuter (1867–1951). After matriculation in 1880 from Åbo Svenska Klassiska Lyceet…

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TEDESCO, Paul Maximilian. Vienna 5.5.1898 — New Haven 17.12.1980. Austrian Indo-Iranian Scholar in the U.S.A. Professor in New Haven. Son of Oscar Isidor Tedesco, a Slovakian Jew and civil engineer, and Thekla Tiktin (1868–1942). From 1916 studies at Vienna. Ph.D. 1920 Vienna (under B. Geiger). In 1924-36 gymnasium teacher in…

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VOROB’EV-DESJATOVSKIJ, Vladimir Svjatoslavovič

VOROB’EV-DESJATOVSKIJ, Vladimir Svjatoslavovič. Tver 3.10.1927 — Leningrad 2.7.1956. Russian Indologist. Son of an official. After the 9th school class joined the army and served in 1944-45 in Romania, Hungary and Czecho­slovakia. Disbanded in 1945 he concluded his school education and studied at the Oriental Faculty of Leningrad University Indology (specially…

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LEUMANN, Manu. Strassburg 6.10.1889 — Zürich 15.7.1977. Swiss Indo-Iranian Linguist and Classical Philologist. Son of —> Ernst Leumann (1859–1931) and Gertrud Siegemund. Matriculated from Protestant Gymnasium in Strassburg, studies at Strassburg, Göttingen and Berlin under F. C. Andreas, W. Schulze, Wackernagel, Wilamowitz-Möllendorf et al. Ph.D. 1914 Strassburg (under Thumb). Served…

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LEUMANN, Ernst. Berg, Canton Thurgau 11.4.1859 — Freiburg i.B. 24.4.1931. Swiss Indologist and Pioneer of Khotan Saka Studies in Germany. German citizen 1884. Professor in Strassburg and Freiburg. Son of Konrad Leumann, a Swiss country priest, and Maria Schelling, brother of —> Julius L. At Frauenfeld Cantonal School in 1877-78…

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KONOW, Sten. Søndre Aurdal, Valdres 17.4.1867 — Oslo 29.6.1948. Norwegian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Oslo. Born in Central Norway as the son of minister Wollert Otto K. (of a merchant family from Bergen) and Anne Heyerdahl. Educated in Lillehammer, matriculated in 1884. Studies of classical and Germanic philology (under S.…

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DRESDEN, Mark Jan. Amsterdam 26.4.1911 — Philadelphia 16.8.1986. Dutch Indologist and Iranian scholar in the U.S.A. Citizen of the U.S.A., Professor in Philadelphia. Son of the composer Sem Dr. (1881–1957) and Jacoba Dhont, educated in Amsterdam. Studies of classical and especially Indo-Iranian philology at Amsterdam, B.A. 1933, M.A. 1937 (under…

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BAILEY, Harold Walter

BAILEY, Harold Walter. Devizes, Wiltshire 16.12.1899 — 11.1.1996, Cambridge. Sir (1960). British Indo-Iranian Scholar, Famous Specialist of the Khotan Saka. Professor in Cambridge. Son of Frederic Charles Quinton B. (1869–1952) and Emma Jane Reichardt (1871–1962). Born in England, he moved with his parents in 1910 to start a farm in…

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