MACKICHAN, Dugald. Glasgow 1851 — 7.4.1932. Very Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary Scholar in India. Son of Alexander M., a tobacco and snuff merchant. Educated at Glasgow (M.A. 1869, B.D. 1874, D.D. 1884), Leipzig, and Berlin universities. Did early electrostatic and electromagnetic research. In 1873-74 Thomson Fellow. In 1874 ordained as…

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MACHEK, Václav

MACHEK, Václav. Úhlejov, okr. Jičín/Neupaka 8.11.1894 — Brno 26.5.1965. Czechoslovakian Slavic, Vedic and IE Scholar. Professor in Brno. From 1914 studied at Prague Slavic, Baltic, Latin, IE and Sanskrit (under Zubatý). After interruption caused by WW I Ph.D. there 1921. In 1921-24 librarian of Slovakian Library in Paris, also further…

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MACHALSKI, Frantiszek

MACHALSKI, Franciszek. Braddock near Pittsburgh 5.7.1904 — Cracow 24.1.1979. Polish Iranian Scholar. Professor in Cracow. Born in a poor emigrant family in the U.S.A., they returned to Poland, when he was six. Grew up in Żołynia, near Łańcut in south-eastern Poland. From 1924 studied Polish and German, soon Sanskrti (Stasiak),…

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MACDONELL, Arthur Anthony

MACDONELL, Arthur Anthony. Muzaffarpur, Bihar 11.5.1854 — Headington, Oxfordshire28.12.1930. British (Scottish)Indologist. Professor in Oxford. Son of Charles Alexander M. (1822–1870), a colonel in Indian army, and Mary Jane Maclean (1829–1893). In 1861 came with his mother to England. Educated in Germany, in 1866-69 in Dresden and 1870-75 in Göttingen. In…

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MACDONALD, Kenneth Somerled

MACDONALD, Kenneth Somerled. Glen Urquhart, Inverness 18.4.1832 — Calcutta 30.7.1903 (1909?). Rev. Dr. British (Scottish) Missionary and Indologist in India. Son of John M. and his wife, née Campbell, the home was Gaelic. Educated in Glen Urquhart and Inverness, studies at King’s College, Aberdeen (M.A. 1855) and at New College,…

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MCCULLOCH, William (elder)

MCCULLOCH, William. Edinburgh 28.2.1816 — Shillong 4.4.1885. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of John Ramsay McC., a political economist, and his wife Isabella, educated at Edinburgh High School and Addiscombe. Joined the army 1834 and went to Calcutta in 1835. Served in Native Infantry in various parts of North…

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MACAN, Turner

MACAN, Turner. Kilbrogan, Bandon, county Cork 30.9.1792 — Calcutta 24.7.1836. Irish Colonial Officer and Oriental Scholar in India. Major. Son of Robert Macan (McCann, 1717–1795) and Hannah Bagwell. In 1795 the family moved to Carriff (now Carrive), county Armaghan. Came to India in the age of 15, Lieutenant when 17.…

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LYALL, Charles James

LYALL, Charles James. London 9.3.1845 — London 1.9.1920. Sir. British Civil Servant and Oriental (Arabic and Urdu) Scholar. Son of Charles L., a banker, and Harriet Matheson. Educated at King’s College School and College, studies at Balliol College, Oxford (B.A. 1867). Joined the Bengal Civil Service in 1867 and served…

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LUZZATO, Philosenno

LUZZATO, Philosenno (Philosseno, Philoxène). Padova 10.7.1829 — Padova 25.1.1854. Italian/Austrian (Jewish) Oriental Scholar. Son of the famous Jewish scholar Samuel David L. (1800–1865). As child he learned Hebrew from his father and in the age of 15 made an attempt at deciphering the Cuneiform writing. He read Akkadian Cuneiform as…

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LUQUIENS, Jules. Lausanne 24.1.1845 — Salem, Ohio 23.8.1899. Swiss Linguist, Romance and Iranian Scholar in the U.S.A. Professor in New Haven. After school in Lausanne studied at Geneva and was ordained priest in 1866. In 1868 came to the U.S.A. and worked as schoolteacher in New York and Cincinnati. In…

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