WOODS, James Haughton

WOODS, James Haughton. Boston 27.11.1864 — Tokyo 14.1.1935. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Cambridge MA. Son of Joseph Wheeler Woods and Caroline Frances Fitz. Studies at Harvard (A.B. 1887) and Cambridge Theological Seminary. Further studies at Berlin in 1889-91, Oxford 1891 and Strassburg 1894-97. Ph.D. 1896 Strassburg. Teaching at Harvard: from…

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WOODROFFE, John (Arthur Avalon)

WOODROFFE, John George (pen-name Arthur Avalon). Calcutta 13.2./15.12. 1865 — Beausoleil, France 16/18.1.1936. Sir. British Lawyer and Indologist in India. Son of of James Tisdall Woodroffe (1838–1§908), later Advocate-General of Bengal (1899-1904), and Florence Hume. Educated at Woburn Peak Catholic public school, studies at University College, Oxford (B.C.L. 1888, M.A.). In 1889 admitted at…

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WOLLHEIM DA FONSECA, Anton Eduard (also known as Wollheim von Secka). Hamburg 12.2.1810 — Berlin 24.10.1884. German Indologist. Born in a Catholic family (?) of Jewish origin as A. E. Wollheim (Wikipedia says he himself adopted catholicism only later), son of merchant Hirsch Jakob Wollheim and Antonie von Secka (Wikipedia)…

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WOLFF, Fritz

WOLFF, Fritz Georg. Berlin 11.11.1880 — Auschwitz after 31.3.1943. German Iranian Scholar. Son of a wealthy merchant, Emanuel Wolff (1850–1901), and Hedwig née Wolff (1860–1935). Educated in Berlin, then studied many languages at Munich, Heidelberg (i.al. Osthoff), Berlin and Giessen. Ph.D. 1905 Giessen, under Bartholomae. Lived some time in Münster,…

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WOLFENDEN, Stuart N. 1889 — 28.12.1938 (when 47). U.S. Tibeto-Burman Linguist. At University of California, Berkeley. Wolfenden was one of the pioneers of  comparative Tibeto-Burman linguistics. Publications: Outlines of Tibeto-Burman Linguistic Morphology with special reference to the prefixes, infixes and suffixes of classical Tibetan and the languages of the Kachin, Bodo,…

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WISE, Thomas Alexander

WISE, Thomas Alexander. Dundee 13.6.1802 (?) — Norwood, London 23.7.1889. British (Scottish) Physician in India. Son of Thomas Wise, also a physician. Graduated in medicine, Edinburgh 1824. In 1827-51 in Indian Medical Service, soon became interested in Āyurveda. He studied Sanskrit and achieved an extensive collection of artefacts illustrating the…

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WIRTZ, Johannes (Hans) Friedrich Albert. Mülheim am Rhein (near Köln) 22.1.1867 — Ibid. 1942. German Sinologist and former Student of Indology. Son of Wilhelm Wirtz, a merchant, lost his mother in 1870 and father 1885. School in Mülheim, gymnasium 1879-83 in Bonn and 1883-87 in Gütersloh. After one term of…

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WINTERNITZ, Moriz. Horn/Nieder-Österreich 23.12.1863 — Prague 9.1. 1937. Austrian Indologist in Czechoslovakia. Professor in Prague. Son of a modest Jewish shop-keeper, Bernhard W. and Theresia Robitschek. Gymnasium in Horn. In 1880-85 studied at Vienna classics and philosophy, soon also Sanskrit (under Bühler). Ph.D. 1886 Vienna. In 1886-91 Assistant to Max…

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WINTER, August

WINTER, August. 1866 — 1???. German Student of Indology. Studied first under Jacobi at Bonn. Ph.D. 1893 Breslau (Hillebrandt). If the second book is by him, he was probably a teacher. Publications: Diss. Çivādityi Saptapadārthi, primvm edidit, prolegomena, interpretationem latinam, explanationes et exempla adiecit. 1. 11+22 p. Lipsiae 1893; in German: “Die Saptapadārthi…

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WINSLOW, Miron. Williston, Vermont 11.12.1789 — Cape Town 22.10.1864. Rev. U.S. Missionary and Tamil Lexicographer in South Asia, where he remained in 1819-64. Son of Nathaniel Winslow and Anna Kellogg. Graduated from Middlebury College 1815 and Andover Theological Seminary 1818, ordained priest 1818. Together with his wife he arrived in…

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