MATEER, Samuel

MATEER, Samuel. near Boardmills, county Down, Northern Ireland 1835 — England 24.12.1893. Rev. British Missionary in India. Worked 33 years, from 1859 until 1891, in Travancore for London Missionary Society, encouraged local people for ministry. In 1890 his wife had to return to England because of ill health, husband followed…

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MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav

MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav. Belgrad 18.3.1919 — Urbana, Ill. 14.6.2001. Yugoslavian (Serbian?) Classical Scholar in America. Studies at Belgrad, graduated 1941. Participated in war as partisan under Tito, then 1946-54 Lecturer in Classical Philology at Belgrad. In 1953 went to India and worked at Visva-Bharati, in 1954 emigrated to Venezuela. In…

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MAKOWIECKA, Jadwiga Ineza (née Paszkowicz). near Radom 10.12.1886 — London 21.9.1988, when 102. Polish Teacher and Translator. Daughter of Adam Paskowicz. Married 1914 Stanisław Makowieckij, two children. Publications: Transl. Oredzia krola Asioki. Warsaw 1964 (Aśokan edicts); translations from Sanskrit. – Also translated R. Tagore into Polish. Sources: *J. Ostyk-Narbutt, long account in with…

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MACREADY, William Charles

MACREADY, William Charles. Elstree, Hertsmere Borough, Hertfordshire 7.8.1832 — Puttalam 26.11.1871. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of the well-known actor William Charles Macready (1793–1873) and actress Catherine Frances Atkins (d. 1852). Studies at Oxford (Christ Church) and Haileybury. From 1854 in Ceylon Civil Service, worked as Assistant Government…

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MACKENZIE, David Neil. London 8.4.1926 — Bangor, Wales 13.10.2001. British Iranian Scholar in Germany. Professor in Göttingen. Son of David M., educated in Slough, Windsor and Cambridge. From November 1943 to December 1947 in army, from August 1944 to September 1945 served in India and Burma, then until July 1947 in…

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MACDONALD, Robert Mackenzie

MACDONALD, Robert Mackenzie. 11.9.1825 — Kensington, London 3.2.1891. British Colonial Officer in India. Director of Public Instruction, Madras Presidency. Lieutenant-General. Married Caroline Helsham (1835–1865), one son and one daughter. Publications: “Vemana”,MJLS3:2, 1866, 43-62 (on Ch. Ph. Brown (transl.), The Verses of Vemana, Moral, Religious and Satirical. Madras 1829). Sources: Scanty stray…

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MACDONALD, David (Dorje). Darjeeling 1870/73? — Darjeeling 6.7.1962. British Trade Agent in Tibet. Son of a Scottish father and Sikkimese mother. The father left when he was six and he was educated by his mother as a Buddhist, but later took Christianity. He was Waddell’s Assistant in Lhasa in 1904,…

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MCCALL, Anthony G.

MCCALL, Anthony Gilchrist. 1895 — ?.5.1978. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of Anthony McCall and Mary Gilchrist. In 1914-21 served in Royal Artillery. Major. In 1921 joined I.C.S. In 1927-30 in Manipur, 1931-43 Superintendent of Lushai Hills district. Then Deputy Commissioner of Khasi and Jaintia Hills and Political…

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LYTTELTON-ANNESLEY, Arthur (until 1844 A. McLeod). Dublin 2.9.1837 — 16.2.1926. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-General. Born in Ireland of English parents, Arthur Lyttelton McLeod (from 1844 Annesley) and Mary Bradley. Educated at Harrow. Joined army in 1854 and participated in Crimean War. In 1866-77 and 1878-88 served in India,…

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LORENZ, Francisco

LORENZ, Francisco Valdomiro (born František Vladimir Lorenc). Zbyslav, Bohemia 24.12.1872 — Dom Feliciano near Porto Alegre 24.5.1957. Brazilian (born Czech) Philosopher, Polyglot and Esperantist. He took early Esperanto, but as Austro-Hungarian state imagined it to be connected with socialism, he had to emigrate in 1891. Lived first in Rio de Janeiro, then…

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