KLOPPENBORG, Ria (Maria Anna Geertruida Theresia Kl.). Utrecht 8.3.1945 — Utrecht 4.10.2003. Dutch Indologist and Scholar of Religion. From 1963 studies of law, but soon of Indology and Buddhism at Leiden and Utrecht. M.A. 1970. Ph.D. 1974 Utrecht (Gonda). From 1970 taught Indian religions at Department of Religion in Utrecht…

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GREY, Leslie

GREY, Leslie. 1916 — ????. M.D. Oxford. A psychiatrist and Professor in Denver, Colorado. M.D. He had served as Medical Attaché to U.S. Embassies in New Delhi and Kabul. One L.G. (M.D.) died in Denver in January 2004. Publications: A concordance of Buddhist birth stories. 43+268 p. Oxford 1990, 2nd…

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CHEN (Ch’en), Kenneth K. S.

CHEN (Ch’en), Kenneth Kuan-Sheng. Honolulu 20.9.1907 — 25.4.1993. U.S. Indologist (Buddhist scholar). Son of Hua-hsiu Ch’en and Chu See. Studies at University of Hawaii (A.B. 1931), at Harvard-Yenching University in Peking (M.A. 1934), at University of California (in 1940-41), and at Harvard (Ph.D. 1946 in Buddhism and Indology, under Ingalls). In…

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MØLLER-KRISTENSEN, Frede. Nr. Herlev 6.1.1933 — 21.2.2003. Danish Indologist. M.A. 1960 Copenhagen. She contributed to the C.P.D. in the 1950s and was its editor in the 1960s. In 1966-72 also lecturer in Pāli at Copenhagen University. Then Director of Oriental Department of Kongelige Bibliotek 1969-87. She was dismissed because of alcoholism.…

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IGGLEDEN, Robert E. W. 11.6.1913 — 21.3.1981. British Bauddha. After WW II pupil of Sayadaw U Thittila until 1952 (when Sayadaw returned to Burma). Specialist of Abhidhamma and Secretary of the P.T.S. until 1976. Married Claudine, who wrote a life of Thittila in 1996. Publications: Assisted Sayadaw in his English translation of the…

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CORNYN, William S.

CORNYN, William Stewart. Vancouver 16.7.1906 — 15.3.1971. Canadian Burmese and Russian Scholar in the U.S.A. In 1922 moved to Los Angeles, worked as stock clerk, hall boy, and bookkeeper, 1924-28 insurance clerk in San Francisco. Studies at U.C.L.A., B.A. 1940, then at Yale, A.M. 1942, Ph.D. 1944. In WW II…

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PÉREZ-REMÓN, Joaquín.1922 — 1985. S.J. Spanish Buddhist Scholar. Jesuit missionary in India. Then taught Oriental philosophy at Universidad Jesuita de Deustro in Bilbao. In his 1980 book he tried to show anatta being a late concept in the Nikāyas. Publications: “Comments upon the Brahmajālasutta”, Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas (BAEO) 14, 1978, 61-96;…

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NOAKES, G. M. 18?? — 19??. Miss. Friend of C. A. F. Rhys Davids. In 1904-05 she transliterated the Pāli text of the Dukapaṭṭhāna from the Thai printed edition for the P.T.S. Then similar work with the both Niddesas Both were then used as the basis, collated with several manuscripts, for the P.T.S. editions of these texts…

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MISIEWICZ, Władysław

MISIEWICZ, Władysław. Lemberg (L’viv) 11.4.1910 — 1.11.1997. Polish Bauddha. After matriculation worked in various clerical posts, finally as the head of a reference library in Radom. In the WW II served in cavalry, then German war prisoner. After war became interested in Buddhism and began learning Pāli. An Esperantist. Publications: Wrote…

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MARTINI, François

MARTINI, François. Can Tho, Vietnam 20.5.1895 — 18.6.1965. French Indologist and South-East Asian Scholar. Son of Corsican father and Cambodian mother. Studied law and philosophy, participated in the WW I (wounded) and after war studied languages, soon Sanskrit under S. Lévi. Diplom of Thai at É.L.O.V. 1922, from 1928 taught…

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