CAREY, Felix

CAREY, Felix. 1786 (acc. to Moulton 20.10.1785) — Serampur 10.11.1822. British Missionary. Eldest son of —> W. Carey and Dorothy Plackett. Came to India with his parents in 1794. With his missionary zeal father neglected him and he was rather brought up by W. Ward. In 1808-14 he worked…

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CABATON, Antoine

CABATON, Antoine. Nérondes (Cher) 11.12.1863 — Vannes, Brittany 25.11.1942. French Physician and a Scholar of South-East Asia and Indonesia. Grew up in Paris and Orléans. Studies of pharmacy, then, after military service (1884-86), of medicine (, also of Sanskrit at É.P.H.É. (Lévi) and Egyptology at École du Louvre. Worked in…

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BURNOUF, Eugène. Paris 8.4. (or 12.8.?) 1801 — Paris 28.5.1852. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of —> J.-L. Burnouf and Marie Genoviève Chavarin, cousin of —> É.-L. B. Studied classical languages under his father and from 1822 at École de Chartes (licencié ès lettres et en droit 1824). At…

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BURNEY, Henry. 27.2.1792 — at sea 4.3.1845. British Colonial Officer (Captain, 1834 Lieutenant-Colonel) and Diplomat in South-East Asia (Burma). Son of Richard Thomas and Jane B., father was the headmaster of Orphan School at Kidderpore near Calcutta. Attached to the 20th Marine N.I. served at Prince of Wales’ Island (now…

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BURLINGAME, Eugene Watson

BURLINGAME, Eugene Watson. Albany, N.Y. 5.8.1876 — 3.8.1932. U.S. Indologist (Pāli Scholar). Son of Eugene B. and Emma Patten Watson. Educated at Yale (B.A. 1898) and University of Penn­sylvania (M.A. 1902, Ph.D. 1910). Then studies of Sanskrit at Harvard 1909-10 (under Lanman) and at Johns Hopkins 1914-16 (Bloomfield). In 1902-07 and…

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BREWSTER, Earl Henry

BREWSTER, Earl Henry. Chagris Falls, Ohio 21.9.1878 — Almora 19.9.1957. U.S. Artist (Painter) and Author. Educated in Cleveland and N.Y. Schools of Art. Worked as painter in New York, had exhibitions. In 1910 married Achsah Barlow (an artist, d. 1945, one daughter), now began long time nomadic life mostly in…

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BODE, Mabel Kate Haynes

BODE, Mabel Kate Haynes (née Haynes). 28.10.1864 — Shaftesbury, Dorset 20.1.1922. British Indologist (Pāli scholar). Daughter of Robert William Haynes, a lawyer. Educated at Notting Hill High School. In 1888 married William Ernest Bode, an actor known as Milton Bode, but after four years they lived no longer together. From…

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BLONAY, Godefroy de, baron

BLONAY, Godefroy Jean Henry Louis de, baron. Niederschoenthal, Füllingsdorf (Basel-Land) 25.7.1869 — Biskra, Algeria 14.2.1937. Swiss Indologist. Born in his father’s (baron Gustave Louis de Bl.) castle, Château de Grandson, in an old Vaudian family, whose ancestor had founded the castle of Blonay in Vaud in c. 1175, mother was…

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BLOCH, Jules

BLOCH, Jules. Paris 1.5.1880 — Sèvres (Seine-et-Oise) 29.11.1953. French Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Paris. Son of a Jewish merchant, Salomon Bloch and Caroline Bernheimer. After Lycée Charlemagne, studied in Paris (Fac. des lettres, etc.) under Lévi and Meillet (also Gauthiot, Foucher and M. Mauss). Licencié ès lettres 1900, 1903…

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BENDALL, Cecil. London 1.7.1856 — Liverpool 14.3.1906. British Indologist, a Specialist of Buddhist Mahāyāna Literature in Sanskrit. Professor in Cambridge. Son of London tradesman Robert Smith B. and Elizabeth Kay. Attended the City of London School, together with Stevenson (?) and Webster, learnt Sanskrit from Nicholl. In 1875 began study…

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