BAYNES, Herbert

BAYNES, Herbert Morton Walker. Kensington, Middlesex / Bayswater, Westminster 2.2.1855 — Cumberland / Manly, both in NSW, Australia 1.9.1928. British Scholar of Indian Religions, a Theosophist. In peoplepill briefly called “British Civil Servant and Orientalist”, and werelate adds “Translator in the High Court in London. Was fluent in 22 languages”.…

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BARTHOLOMAE, Friedrich Christian Leonhard

BARTHOLOMAE, Friedrich Christian Leonhard. Forsthaus in Forstleithen bei Limmersdorf, Land­kreis Kulmbach 21.1.1855 — Langeoog, Ostfriesland 9.8.1925. German IE and Iranian Scholar. Professor in Münster, Giessen, and Heidelberg. Son of a forester (Oberforster) Leonhard B. (d. 1859) and Maria Friederike Aichinger. Gymnasium in Bayreuth. From 1872 studied IE, Indian and Iranian…

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BAREAU, André. Saint Maudé (Seine) 31.12.1921 — Paris 2.3.1993. French Buddho­logist. Professor in Paris. Son of an accountant. After undergraduate studies at E.N.S. worked as schoolteacher and now also began studies under Filliozat and Demiéville. Licence de philosophie 1946, diplom of É.P.H.É. Dr. ès lettres 1951. Worked at C.N.R.S.: 1942…

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ANDERSEN, Dines. Ullerslev, Fyn 26.12.1861 — Copenhagen 28.3.1940. Danish Indologist (Pāli Scholar). Son of mill builder Dines A. (1833–1861) and Christine Poulsen (1833–1914), lost his father before his birth. Supported by patrons, he attended the Latin School in Odense in 1877-81. Studied from 1881 at Copenhagen Classical and Scandinavian philology,…

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ALSDORF, Ludwig Wilhelm

ALSDORF, Ludwig Wilhelm. Laufersweiler near Kirchberg in Hunsrück 8.8.1904 — Buchholz-Sprötze, Kr. Harburg 25.3.1978. German Indologist. Professor in Hamburg. Son of a minister, Hermann A. and Emilie Chelius, he went to school in Saarbrücken (Ludwigs-Gymnasium). Began his studies in 1922 at Heidelberg (under Bartholomae & Zimmer), then from 1923 under…

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AGERSCHOU, Agnes Margrethe

AGERSCHOU, Agnes Margrethe. Rudkøbing, Langeland 8.5.1912 — 12.8.1968. Danish Assistant of the C.P.D. Daughter of the bankfuldmægtig (?) Vilhelm Kristian A. and Kristina Maria Sand Valborg Rinder. Matriculated from Randers 1930, M.A. 1940 in Nordic philology at Copenhagen. Assistant of the C.P.D. in 1940-49. Married 1944 with the teacher Anker…

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AALTO, Pentti

AALTO, Pentti. Pori 22.7.1917 — Helsinki 30.11.1998. Finnish Classical Scholar, Linguist, Altaist and Indologist. Son of shop assistant Martti Johannes A. and Martta Elisabeth Lindroos. Matriculation from Porin lyseo in 1935, then studies of com­parative, oriental and classical philology at Helsinki University: M.A. 1939, Lic. Phil. 1949, Ph.D. 1949. During…

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