TUNELD, Ebbe Oskar. Malmö 7.4.1877 — 27.6.1947. Swedish Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Lund. Son of an elementary school teacher, Johan Oskar Tuneld (1846–1882) and Hedvig Charlotte Andersson, brother of industrialist John Tuneld. Matriculated from Malmö in 1895 and started studies at Lund. M.A. 1900 and Lic.Phil. 1905 Lund. In 1902-04…

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TROICKIJ, Mihail Sergeevič

TROICKIJ, Mihail Sergeevič. Tiflis (Tbilisi) 1901 — 1937?. Russian Indo-Tibetologist. Son of a teacher and nobleman, grew up in Kiev. In 1920 joined the Red Army, in 1926 the Communist Party. From 1928 Ščerbatskoj’s student at Oriental Institute, Leningrad, graduated 1931. He worked at Oriental Institute and now also learned…

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TRENCKNER, Vilhelm (Carl Wilhelm). Copenhagen 26.2.1824 — Copenhagen (?) 9.1.1891. Danish Indologist. Son of G. Trenckner, a German-born baker, educated at German school in Copenhagen. From 1841 studied at Copenhagen Classics (Madvig), Semitic (Hermansen) and soon also Sanskrit and Old Iranian under Westergaard. A small capital gave him the occasion…

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TORP, Alf. Stryn 27.9.1853 — Kristiania (Oslo) 26.9.1916. Norwegian Linguist and IE Scholar. Professor in Kristiania (Oslo). Son of a captain of infantry, Fredrik Torp (1816–1869), and Gjerthruf Ravn (1830–1876). Educated in Bergen (matriculation 1877), then studies at Kristiania (Bugge), M.A. 1877. From 1878 studied at Leipzig Sanskrit, Greek and…

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TOLFREY, William

TOLFREY, William. 1778 — Colombo 4.1.1817. British Colonial Officer in India and  Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of a colonial official (in India?), grew up in England. He came to the island in 1805, after having served in army in India in 1794–1805, participating in Mysore and Maratha wars.…

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THOMAS, Edward Joseph

THOMAS, Edward Joseph. Thornhill, West Yorkshire 30.7.1869 — Cambridge (?)11.2.1958. British Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Librarian in Cambridge. Son of a gardener, he left school when 14 and worked himself as a gardener for 12 years, enjoying his time among flowers despite his colour-blindness and using his free time in…

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THIESSEN, Jakob Heinrich. Hemme/Kr. Norder-Dithmarschen, Schleswig-Holstein 28.7.1854 — 1???. German Student of Indology. Son of a farmer, after primary school in home region attended Gymnasium in Altona in 1871-75. In 1875-80 studied at Kiel modern languages, Germanistics and especially Sanskrit and Pāli under Pischel. Ph.D. 1880 Kiel. His brief dissertation…

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TEZA, Emilio

TEZA, Emilio. Venice 14.9.1831 — Padua 28.3./30.4.1912. Italian Indologist. Pro­fes­sor in Pisa and Padua. Studies at Padova, then at Vienna Greek, Slavistics and Hungarian, also Sanskrit under Boller. Back in Italy worked as librarian in Marciana (Venice) and Laurenziana (Florence). In 1860-66 Professore di letterature moderne comparate at Bologna (taught…

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TEDESCO, Paul Maximilian. Vienna 5.5.1898 — New Haven 17.12.1980. Austrian Indo-Iranian Scholar in the U.S.A. Professor in New Haven. Son of Oscar Isidor Tedesco, a Slovakian Jew and civil engineer, and Thekla Tiktin (1868–1942). From 1916 studies at Vienna. Ph.D. 1920 Vienna (under B. Geiger). In 1924-36 gymnasium teacher in…

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TAYLOR, Arnold C.

TAYLOR, Arnold Charles. Kingswood, Surrey 12.8.1867 — Hove, Sussex 1955. British Teacher interested in Pāli. Son of Rev. Samuel Barnard Taylor. After studies at Oxford (M.A.) teacher at Uppingham School (1894 already there). Publications: Edited: Kathāvatthu. 1-2. 660 p. L. 1894-97, repr. as P.T.S. Text series 48-49. L. 1979; Paṭisambhidāmagga.…

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